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(A/n: this story has bad language, abuse , Violence and death.)  

What  went down :

It has been months since the portals opened , releasing these monsters . Creatures that have only two things on their mind , Killing and domination . Cities have became battle fields and towns have become barren , it seemed no place was safe . That was until the group who called themselves the Special Forces took a stand and started to fight back . 

I on the other hand am not a soldier , I am a typical person .I avoided  running into the fights between the Special Forces and the monsters , I have witnessed both sides using magic or powers . That is above my paygrade . While all this was going on I slipped through the cracks and the side roads  to scavenge what I can from where ever I can . 

 Where I am at now :

Running through the streets at high speeds , I jump over bikes and roll over the hoods of cars . " I AM GOING TO EAT YOU EARTH REALMER !" a giant tridactyl looking bird man shouted at me as it flew after me . " Imma die , this is it  Imma die !" I say to myself as I run down an alley hoping it is too narrow for it to fit through .  As luck would have it .....I was wrong , it dropped to the ground and began to crawl along the wall . " Oh fuck me sideways !" I shout as I take off the opposite direction  . " WHERE YOU GOING , I'M STARVING !?" it shouted , " Bitch try a soup kitchen !" I shouted back at it as I came back out to the road . I began to look around  for any way out . " The subway ." I think to myself . I dart and quickly make my way down the stairs . As I reach the platform I am shocked to see police and some soldiers bunkered up . They all train their guns at me and I toss my hands up " Not a bad guy , Just being chased by a demonic big bird mother fucker !" I shout , as if on cue the monster drops down the steps . As it went to reach me I dash and roll out of the way of the men with the guns  allowing them to open fire . The monster held its arms up and was shielded by it's wings from the bullets . I hid behind a pillar and peeked out to see this ," Dude that is just cheap ." I say to myself . Then the monster let out a supersonic roar casing all the cops to drop the guns and cover their ears . It started to tear through the cops like tissue paper , one after the other . I took a step to begin running away ,but stepped on something " A gun...I could. .Fuck me!" I shout as I grab the gun and take aim at the monster . We stared at each other , neither of us looking away or blinking . It dived and glided at me , as it got closer I began to unload the gun aimed at the monsters head . As the monster fell to the ground limp I lost control and dropped down and started to punch it relentlessly . 

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder , I quickly turn around and back away . Looking up at a police officer " Whoa there fella  name's Stryker , we are here to help . Let's get you somewhere safe ok ." he said calmly as he extended his hand . I take it hesitantly as he pulls me up  " Off to a good start , Now before we go we need to get you armed ." He walked over to on of the dead cops and gave a sigh and a sad look before taking off the cops gear and handing it to me "Suit up , and then we can get you to base ." 

As we exited the subway we all made a defensive formation with me at the back and Stryker taking point . " So Newbie , you are staying in formation pretty well . Were you a cop before this all went to shit ?" Stryker asked , " No I was a security guard , Tasers and pepper spray where my go too ." I said making everyone in the group laugh . " Well trust me , not many people can put down a fugly bird like the one you did with out some skill . So have a little faith in yourself ."  

 We eventually end up at a gated encampment , we waited until the gate was about to open. I started to feel uneasy , the hair on my neck began to rise . " Stryker , stop the gate from opening for a sec , I ....I think something is waiting for it to open ." Stryker moves back to me and looks around  " Did you see something ?" he asked , As I was about to answer I notice a little displacement with the light , I point with my gun . He looks and sees it too He starts to aim his gun and then we are all attacked at once . 

Shackled (Mortal Kombat x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now