Blood Feud

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I step in and walk over to the scuffle , my gun drawn . When I stepped closer to the centaur creatures that now have the woman in red restrained , everyone's attention was turned to me . "What do you want human ?" the biggest one shouted , I sigh " Great , a real politician of the people . " I think sarcastically, " Hello , I am F/n L/n and I am simply passing by , but when I saw what was happening I had to come over and try and put a stop to it . Is it possible for you to let this girl go ?" I ask peacefully , the group of creatures laughed .

  The woman looked at me confused ,then she shook her head at my request . She noticed my smiled never faded . " Is ...he planning something ?" she thought to herself   .  The big creature smiled and slammed his fist into his chest " I am  Motaro head of the Centaurian's here in this forest and I will not do anything peacefully!" he shouted resulting in cheers from his followers . 

 I take a step back " Well then how about a wager ?" I asked , his attitude changed slightly  " I'm listening human . " he said coldly , I shrug slightly " Me versus you in a fight , the winner gets the girl . If I lose you get me too ." I explain , he smiled slightly " You want to fight me ?" he asked as he pointed at himself . I nod " Just please go easy on me , I have never fought before . " I said lying through my teeth . The woman in red began to panic ,but couldn't talk due to other Centaurian gagging her . 

Motaro gave me a toothy grin " Sure , I accept the wager ." he said with an evil look in his eye . I smile " Ok just say when to start ." I say playfully , He quickly turns around and kicked me with his hind legs sending me through the air into a tree . Barely catching my breath he gallops towards me and grabs my throat and slams me back into the tree ." Feeling confident now Human ?" he asked , The woman in red was watching helplessly . 

I simply smiled at Motaro , he looked at me curiously " What are you smiling ?" he shouted ,I held up a grenade pin and whispered " Because you are over an explosive device ." I covered my ears and face when the explosion went off tossing me into the center of the clearing . I take a second and push myself up . After steadying myself I walked over to the wounded Motaro " Yield , or I will kill you ." I said coldly as I pointed my gun at his head  . He glared at me but then nodded " I yield , take the woman and leave ." 

I walk over to the woman and untie and ungag her . I begin to walk away , thinking she had left in a different direction  already, I began to stumble from the shock of the explosion . Suddenly a hand took my shoulder and steadied me . I looked to see the woman " I ...I thought you would of left by now ." I said tiredly , the journey finally taking its toll on me . She shook her head and say me on a fallen tree to catch my breath . 

She bowed slightly " I am Skarlet, daughter of  the one and only Shao Kahn and am a blood mage . To thank you for saving me , no life debt goes unpaid . I pledge my unyielding loyalty to you until I fade into dead ." she says bluntly , I just stare at her " .....Wait .....what now ?" I ask , she rolled her eyes " I am now your loyal defender, you can't get out of it unless I die ." she says annoyed . I sigh slightly and shake my head " This place is such bullshit ." I think to myself .  

" So I'm ....stuck with you then ?" I ask , she nodded and began to check me  for wounds . After a few seconds she couldn't find anything , I finally catch my breath and stand up " Well let's go , we are close to the people who left me to die ." I said with distain in my voice , She placed her hand on my chest " Stop , you are in no shape to fight ." she said emotionlessly , I take a step towards her " I need to get home and Mileena is the only one who can do it ." Her eyes went wide at the mention of Mileena's name , " You....know my sister ?" she asked , I looked at her confused " Mileena is your sister ?" . She nodded and stepped back and looked at me "She never accepted me as my father's daughter , he found me on the streets and took me in and taught me blood magic . Mileena has been jealous ever since ."  I nod listening to her  . 

Shackled (Mortal Kombat x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now