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Standing next to a table with figures and a mini representation of how the ambush is going to go , I was all for it until ." So , we are clear . Kano will kill or distract Kotal Kahn, and we will distract the guards ." Rain explained , I raised my hand out of confusion . Mileena rolled her eyes"Yes earth realmer ?" she asked . "Ok so real quick , isn't This Kotal guy the big guy of outworld right now ?" I asked , she nodded . I sigh slightly " From what I understand , he is a powerhouse how are we going to trust one guy with killing him . What is the back up plan ? " I question , Rain shoots me a glare " We won't fail , Mileena has an amulet that channels the power of a most powerful sorcerer." he said with a menacingly evil look in his eyes . " Look I am all for this plan ,but even if it is just to humor me . I think have a retreat plan in place would not only keep most of your forces alive ,but will help you out in the lon-" I was cut off by a slap across the  face . Rain was glaring at me ." Shut up you coward !" he shouted . I grabbed his collar and punch him in the gut causing him to bend over gasping . " I'm not a coward , But if Kotal dies , how many of his men or followers would rebel like last time . You need as many loyal people as you can get , Furthermore ." I turn to walk away ,but then stop at the tent entrance " If that magic doohickey was Rain's Idea I would scrap it , he is going to get you killed and I'm starting to think thats his intent ." I said leaving the tent . 

The next morning 

As I go through my gear I feel eyes on me , I turn and see Mileena . She simply walks in and sits on my makeshift bed . " He's right you know , this amulet is the only thing powerful enough to kill him outright ." she explains , I shake my head " No , it's the easy way . Look when that moment comes to do what is right or what is easy , It is on you but remember . Power like the one you all claim that doohickey has rarely comes without a cost , I have a feeling this cost might be a little too much for you , but just right for Rain ." She jumps up " Look he may be rash but he is loyal , Just do your damn job and assist us and stay quiet earth realmer . " She said storming away ,  Before she left the tent I sighed " Understood " was all I said . 

Time skip to the time of the ambush

 We silently got ready and scaled the rooftops into position  , A cartage gently began to pull up . Suddenly the distraction started with two huge cartages collided into each other blocking the path . After a moment a green skinned lady came into view leaving the cartage "D'vorah was her name" I thought . Then Mileena's men began attacking ,and the cartages began to shake and rock back and forth . A green man and a secondary man busted out of it , after a scuffle the green man jumped up and teleported onto the roof with us . 

Mileena rushed him and began fighting him ,but after a moment she was swatted away . He then turns to rain " Using Mileena now , how have you fallen so low Rain ?" he asked with anger in his voice , Rain turned his nose up at the question " She has the amulet and it is powerful enough to kill you ." he said smugly . Kotal laughed " Yes but it will kill her in return ." he explained , "That's the point , two birds one stone . " He said as he glanced at me and vanished. " Somebody answer that phone because I fucking called it !" I thought to myself . 

Now on the roof alone with Kotal  , he growled " An earth realmer , so you have taken arms against me ?" he asked with anger still  in his voice . " Only because you sent Reptile and Erron Black to attack us ." I shouted , he looked at me confused " I did no such thing earth realmer , I was wondering what has come of them in resent weeks , but reguardless ." he said as he summoned a floating idol , I took a small concussion grenade and tossed it at him . He channeled the sun and blasted me sending me off the roof , followed shortly by my grenade sending him off . We both hit the ground with a thud , before I could get up I was kicked in the stomach and forced to roll over . 

I looked up to see D'vorah " This one will eat you from the inside out earth realmer . "she said with a twisted smile , " And here I am with out my Raid ." I said slamming my taser into her leg causing her to jump back in pain . I get up and put the taser back and withdraw my gun and shoot it . She rolled out of the way and turned into a swarm of bugs and slammed into me  causing me to slam into the cartage from before . She moved towards me quickly , I push off the cart with a leg and superman punch her in the face . This stunned her and I took the opportunity to clench her neck and slam my knees into her stomach and chest . She finally came too and pushed me away with bug like limbs on her back . She then ducked down and swept my legs , As she tried to attack again I slammed  my heel into her chest sending her back , giving me enough time to get up . I glanced over to an alley and see Mileena and Rain staring at me . Rain teleported away , after a minute of her looking at me she did the same . I stood shocked " She left ......she left me ....." I then felt a massive arm around my neck " Seems your allies left you earth realmer . I struggled to get free until D'vorah  ran at me and punched me causing me to black out . 

Time skip 

A rotting smell hit my nose like a punch it the face , I gently open my eyes and look around . I see I am being dragged on the floor , I quietly reach for my gun only to notice my gear belt was removed . I look up to see the creature dragging me has my belt in its hand . " Fucking fantastic ." I think to myself ." This is it , I am alone ,betrayed , without tools and I am going to die ." I think .

I shake the thought from my head and pull my legs free and trip the creature dragging me . I rush and grab my gear and stab it in the base of the neck causing it to thrash and finally die .Grabbing my gear I put it back on and turn around back down the hallway . 

Following the faint traces of light I finally find a window and hop out of it and climb down quietly . After a few minutes I find myself out of the castle grounds , only to see I am surrounded by sand . " Now I am in a desert , barely any gear left and alone . I have to get to Mileena , hopefully I can convince her to send me back . " I took a breath and started on a trek through the sandy landscape .

Time skip 

After a few hours I finally come across a small camp . As I got close I saw an old man on his own , he looked at me and gave me a gentle smile and wave . " Hello traveler , would you care to take a break and give a old man some company , I have food and water if that helps you make up your mind ." he said kindly , Almost without hesitation I take him up on his offer . " So an earth realmer  huh , This is surely a treat ." he said with a smile as he handed me some water .

We talked for a bit before I got the urge to leave again , he gave me a smile and gave me some provisions. I thanked him and he waved it off . " No troubles young man , just stay safe and remember the little people when destiny sets you on your path ." he smiled and waved me on , When I turned around and started to leave I realized I never got his name , when I turned back around the camp was gone . " Well ......that's not creepy ." I said to myself . 



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