Racing to the Island

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I am a man of Fortune and I must seek my fortune.

-Henry Avery, 1694

"Ah, crap", Nate muttered, attempting to navigate a stormy sea as fast as he could

"Let me guess, this is not good", Ella asked, making her way over to him

"Yep... hold on", Nate shouted, the boat going airborne for a bit and knocking almost everyone down

"Nathan, they're gaining on us", Nate's brother, Sam, shouted as boats chased after them

"Yeah, I know, I know", Nate shouted back

"Well, crank it", Sam shouted

"Sam, he's going as fast as he can, we're gonna have to fight", Ella shouted

"Well, shit", Sam muttered, taking out his pistol

"Keep driving, we'll cover you", Ella said as Nate nodded his head, as the boats came in, Nate attempted to crash into them which worked, and Ella and Sam shot to keep them at bay, only for a big boat to crash into them and shoot mines at them, however one mine, hit near the boat, sending Nate into the water

"NATE", Ella shouted, running over towards the side of the boat, searching for Nate, after awhile, Nate resurfaced

"Nathan", Sam shouted

"Hey, I'm okay... I'm okay...", Nate shouted, swimming over to the boat as Ella helped him up

"Shit, the engine's out", Sam said

"What", Nate shouted, in shock

"I can... I can fix it, just... just cover me", Sam asked

"Goddamn it", Nate muttered, pulling out his pistol, he and Ella shooting at the goons on the boat, not long after, more came in, the fight seeming endless

"There, there, I got it", Sam shouted

"El, take the wheel", Nate said, shooting more goons, Ella nodded her head and ran to the wheel, turning and flooring it

"Head straight to the island", Nate shouted

"Got it", Ella said

"Ella, rocks, dead ahead", Sam warned

"I can barely see out here", Ella stated, swerving the boat out of the way from the rocks

"On your right, watch it, watch it", Sam shouted

"Oh crap", Ella said as the big boat crashed into their ship, sending the three into the water

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