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"Whoa", Nate said, looking at the lost pirate colony

"What do you see", Sam asked

"No houses, wide street", Nate said

"A commercial district of some kind", Ella added

"Yes, thank you for that, come on", Sam said, "what do you see",

"You just wanna hear us say it, don't you", Nate asked

"Really want to hear you two say it", Sam stated

"Fine", Ella said

"Libertalia", both Nate and Ella said in unison as Sam began to laugh

"Libertalia", Sam said in excitement, "the long-lost, legendary pirate utopia, discovered, after three hundred years, by one Samuel Drake",

"And", Nate corrected

"And his younger, slightly less charming brother and sidekick who happened to be tagging along for the ride", Sam teased, "you know, I always knew you'd make something of yourself one day

"Just so you know, it's not our first lost city", Nate stated before being shushed by Sam

"Just... enjoy the moment", Sam said, the three looking around, "So where do you want to start",

"How about that building right over there", Nate asked

"The one with the massive guard tower", Sam asked

"Looks like a treasury building", Ella said

"Let's go see what it was guarding", Nate said

"Works for me", Sam said the three dropping down into the streets of Libertalia

"How long do you think it took to build this place", Sam asked

"Years, decades even, how the hell did they keep it a secret all that time", Nate said

"True, with everything around, and the people here", Ella added, "like pirate code, the people could've been sworn to secrecy, or lived a good life here",

"Maybe", Nate said, the three walking down the street, going through an underground chamber, through many Shoreline goons, and finally reaching the treasury building

"We're definitely in the high-rent district now", Nate said, looking at a barricaded door with a lot of expensive looking furniture used to block it

"Not residential, though, what do you think, some kind of administration building", Sam asked

"Probably", Ella said, the three walking into the main courtyard, only to see old canons, barricades, skeletal bodies, and battle equipment lying around

"Holy crap", Nate said in shock

"I take back the living good lives here", Ella muttered

"Well, I see our missing colonists, some of them anyway", Sam said

"I wonder what happened here", Nate asked

"Battle of some kind", Sam replied

"Rhetorical question", Nate stated

"Big question is, who's fighting who here", Ella said

"And why", Nate added, the three continuing forward and reaching a golden door

"Here... we... go", Nate said, pulling a leaver, the sound of gears turning could be heard, the door opened slightly, but that was it

"Or not... wanna give me a hand", Sam asked

Uncharted 4, The Treasure of LibertaliaWhere stories live. Discover now