Saving Sam

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Quickly making their way through the crowd, Nate, Ella, and Sully all saw the 4x4 in sight, unfortunately, Shoreline had arrived, blocking their path with not only armed goons, but also a tactical vehicle was with them

"You know, I'm not 100% sure, but I think they found us", Sully stated

"There's no way we'll be able to take that truck out with what we've got left", Ella stated

"I know, I know, just get to the 4x4", Nate announced as everyone attempted to run forward, but the turret on the vehicle wouldn't let them pass, taking another route, the three eventually made it to the 4x4 and sped off

"Alright, how do we get to Sam", Nate asked

"We just keep heading downhill", Sully stated, as Nate kept the 4x4 floored, the truck appeared once again

"Oh, come on", Ella shouted

"Crap", Nate muttered, going through backroads, doing his best to avoid the truck, next thing everyone knew, Nate was driving through a stairwell bazaar,

"Hang on", Nate shouted

"Where the hell are you going", Sully asked

"Well, you're the one who said, "Just head down", Ella said

"Oh, this was really a great idea, Nate", Sully said

"Do you wanna drive", Nate shouted

"No, you're doing just fine", Sully announced, as they left the stairway bazaar, the truck sped through, from the road, blocking their path

"Ah, crap", Nate said

"Nate, over there", Ella said, pointing towards a small set of stairs

"Hang on", Nate said as he drove up the stairs, through grass, and was back on the road

"Man, Rafe really wants us out of the picture", Nate stated

"Gee, ya think", Sully asked

"Guys, you know we can never come back here again, right", Ella said

"Add it to the list", Nate said, driving through construction, "Alright, let's see that truck get past that", a few seconds later, the truck came crashing through, and was now in front of them, "Oh, come on",

"You jinxed it", Ella said

"Shush", Nate grumbled, making Ella laugh

"Cut right, cut right", Sully shouted as Nate turned right, going downhill again, even flying down, all three were now at the bottom of the hill and approaching Sam's tower

"We're close, keep an eye out for Sam", Nate asked

"Hey, I think that's him, right there", Sully stated, pointing towards Sam, on a motorcycle, being chased by many Shoreline trucks and motorcycles

"After the convoy", Ella announced

"Hang on", Nate said, turning the 4x4 and began chasing after the convoy from below

"There they are", Ella said, the three were close, but below Sam

"You see anyway to get to Sam", Nate asked

"Not yet, but we're running out of road, kid", Sully stated, looking over, a dock was there, and open water

"I know, I know", Nate said

"Nate", Sully shouted, the 4x4 now going on the dock

"Take the wheel", Nate said, getting up from his seat, grappling hook in hand

"What, are you out of your goddamn mind", Sully shouted

"Probably", Nate said, grappling onto one of the Shoreline trucks, and flying out of the 4x4 as Sully hit the brakes, both Ella and Sully watching the brothers grow smaller and smaller

"I swear, that kid's crazy", Sully stated as Ella jumped into the front seat

"If Shoreline doesn't beat him up... I might", Ella said, putting the 4x4 in reverse and driving away

(Some Time Later)

Nate and Sam drove into the motel the four were staying at, Sully was waiting outside by the 4x4, Ella, however, was nowhere in sight

"Alright, I think the coast is clear", Sam said

"I see you two made it out ok", Sully stated, walking up to the two

"Way better than ok, we found Libertalia", Sam stated

"Liber-whatia", Sully asked

"Libertalia, seems Avery founded the legendary pirate colony... where's Ella", Nate asked

"Inside... in the bathroom", Sully said

"We can fill her in on this when she's done, but it's more of a pirate utopia really", Sam stated

"Ok, but what about the treasure", Sully asked

"See, as the story goes... this place provided a safe haven for hundreds... maybe even thousands of pirates", Sam explained, "and they shared everything, property, resources...",

"Money", Sully asked

"And they kept it all in one common treasury building", Sam finished

"Ok, so... where is this... common pirate sanctuary", Sully asked

"Right here, that island, just northeast of King's Bay", Nate said

"And by the time Rafe figures that out, the treasure will be as good as ours", Ella stated, walking towards the group

"Nice of you to join us, sis", Sam said

"Glad you're ok... Nate, we need to talk, please", Ella asked

"Alright", Nate said, Sam and Sully walked into the motel room, leaving Nate and Ella outside

"Look, El, if this is about what happened earlier, I'm sorry, you can slap me in the back of the head, but...", Nate began

"It's not about that, promise", Ella reassured

"Ok... then what is it", Nate asked

"As Sully and I were waiting here for you two, I snuck off, bought a test", Ella said

"And...", Nate asked, curious

"Positive", Ella said, making Nate go wide-eyed and stumble backward, "Nate, you ok, I really don't want you fainting on me right now",

"I'm fine... I mean... I'm more than fine", Nate said, excitement in his tone

"I hope you know that you're not leaving me out of this", Ella said

"I know, I know, you'll fight to the end", Nate said

"So, you ready to set out tomorrow", Ella asked

"Yeah, but first... I gotta tell Sam and Sully", Nate said, excitement in his voice as he ran toward the motel room to tell the two the news

Uncharted 4, The Treasure of LibertaliaWhere stories live. Discover now