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Nate climbed out of the water, and got up onto his feet; looking around the area, the boat he, Sam, and Ella were on was now on fire, and wedged into some sharp rocks, a creepy mountain was in view, and with the rain pouring hard, Nate could barely see anything else

"I gotta get off this beach", Nate muttered, moving forward, and calling out to Ella and Sam, nearing the boat, Nate saw that all the supplied they had brought with them were gone, now at the bottom of the ocean; leaving the boat behind, Nate continued his search, only to fall down in a cave, hard, looking around, he found Ella, lying on her side, unconscious, Nate soon crawled his way over to her side and eventually passed out


"So, what do you think", Nate asked, pacing back and forth in the living room, phone in hand

"It's a lot to take in, kid, where do I even start", Sully asked, "You and Ella have been out of the game for a long time, or maybe I need to remind you two of the type of people we'll be crossing here",

"Sully, we know the risks, but come on, it's a sure-fire plan", Nate reassured

"Yeah, if there's one thing I've learned in all these years, it's there's no such thing as a sure-fire plan", Sully stated

"We don't really have an option here, you know that", Nate said, "and yeah, maybe you're right, El and I have been out of the game, but we need back in, so can we count on you... one last time",

"Alright kid, let's go do it... one last time", Sully said

(Flashback End)

Nate woke up, the rain was gone, the storm, over, the sun was rising, looking around, he was still in the cave, Ella was still asleep, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he sat up, he then turned his body towards Ella end began gently shaking her

"El... El, wake up", Nate said, groggily as Ella groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes, "You ok",

"Yeah, I'm fine... tired, but nothing broken, how about you", Ella asked

"I'm alright, winded, but alright", Nate said, getting up, off the ground and helping Ella up

"...I'm sorry", Ella muttered

"For what", Nate asked

"I should've stayed behind, now... shit's really hit the fan", Ella stated

"Hey, hey... it's alright... neither of us knew they'd get it that quick", Nate reassured, "I mean, with the way Rafe's been going, we had the lead, but either way, you're here",

"Yeah, all that's left to do is find Sam", Ella muttered,

"Yeah... wherever he is", Nate said, the two walking towards an exit, only to see a flashing light by the creepy mountain, "S... I... Sic Parvis Magna",

"Sam", Ella said as Nate quickly pulled out his flashlight, flashing the same message, but the flashing light by the mountain was gone

"Crap", Nate muttered

"At least we know he's alive", Ella reassured

"Yeah, now... gotta get to that... creepy mountain", Nate stated

"Well then, let's go", Ella said, the two-running forward, and climbing around the cliff's making their way towards where they saw Sam's message, later reaching a rest point

"Gotta admit, the view here's nice", Ella said

"You've always loved the ocean", Nate stated

"It's calming... and it's been a dream of mine to see since I was little; though I've seen it numerous times, I'll never get tired of it", Ella explained, the two looking at the ocean view, until some boats came out from behind a rock and towards the island

"Rafe", Nate said

"And Nadine", Ella added

"Ah, damn it", Nate muttered

"Come on, let's get to Sam before they do", Ella said as Nate nodded his head and the two continued forward, through small caves and into the jungle, only to run into some Shoreline goons patrolling the area

"Oh, shit", Nate muttered, both he and Ella ducking into cover

"They don't know we're here, probably think we're dead", Ella stated, quietly, "let's just take them out quietly or sneak past them",

"Good idea", Nate whispered as the two began sneaking around, from what they could gather, Sam had been spotted, and until they could find the bodies, Nate and Ella were still alive as well; sneaking past the Shoreline goons, Nate and Ella began climbing up another small cliff, only to quickly snap their heads and see Sam who was pointing a gun at them, thinking they were Shoreline.

"I nearly shot your head off", Sam stated, putting the gun away

"Sam... you're ok", Nate said in relief

"Yeah, nothing I can't walk away from", Sam reassured, "good to see you two alive little brother, little sis, future niece or nephew... come on, we got a treasure to find",

"Hold up, man, I mean... what are we doing", Nate asked

"What do you mean", Sam asked

"I mean, our supplies are at the bottom of the Indian Ocean", Nate stated

"Ok, so we go steal some from Nadine's army", Sam said

"Yeah, and that... we're going up against an army", Nate stated

"We've been holding our own so far", Sam said

"While being marooned in the middle of nowhere", Nate argued

"We were trying to get here, remember", Sam stated

"When we had an escape plan", Nate protested, "ok, just hear me out, crazy suggestion, let's go down there and at least secure one of Rafe's boats",

"The boats can wait", Sam said, "you know what we're doing here, we are buying my life back, ok, and we're doing that by stepping into that jungle and finding Libertalia",

"Have you even seen any signs of a massive pirate colony, cause we for sure haven't", Nate stated

"You're a little late to start having doubt's don'tcha think", Sam asked

"Guys", Ella called out, but was ignored

"Look, can we at least acknowledge the chance that maybe Avery's idea for a secret pirate utopia didn't pan out", Nate argued, "and maybe we're just swept up in this fantasy, when instead we should be looking for a real way to save you",

"I'm gonna scour this island inch by inch if I have to, until I find that treasure", Sam stated, "now if you're confused about what you're doing here, then you can go home, and bring Ella with you

"Guys", Ella called out, her voice raising, but was still ignored

"Wait, wait, wait, we can go home, are you kidding me", Nate shouted, "do you have any idea what we put on the line to get you here",

"About what I put on the line", Sam corrected, "ok, the last fifteen years of my life",

"Oh, come on, this has nothing to do with that", Nate shouted

"It is everything to do with that", Sam shouted back

"GUYS", Ella shouted, causing the two to turn their heads to her, "Look, Sam, you're probably right, we may find Libertalia here and Avery's treasure; but Nate's also right here, what if we don't find anything, securing an escape route is the best thing to do, and if this doesn't pan out, we have other things to help, now... stop arguing, both of you",

Both Nate and Sam let out a deep breath, not long after, Nate began slowly walking away from the two, Ella and Sam following, Nate moved some vines away to reveal a carving of Avery's sigil

"Holy crap", Nate said

"You still wanna go home", Sam asked in a teasing tone

"Let's just see what else we can find", Nate said as the three continued forward, finding house-like structures until the three stared at amazement, right in front of them... was Libertalia

Uncharted 4, The Treasure of LibertaliaWhere stories live. Discover now