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The three of you were hunched over Makomo's backpack below the pier.

While you were sitting there going through all of the clothes and essential items she had in her backpack, you sniffled, wiping your eyes with your sleeve.

There's no guarantee she's alive. In any case, she could be long dead, and you're just grasping at straws to stay hopeful.

"I am almost positive that her phone was taken intentionally. Whether by herself or someone else" Tanjiro began speculating "and judging by the evidence,  it's pretty clear that she intended to spend a few nights away from home. Unless someone else interfered, there's a good chance she's alive"

"But why would she leave her stuff here? That doesn't make any sense" Sabito grumbles

"she said...that her time was running out. Didn't the voicemail say that?" Tanjiro looks at you

You nod "yeah, she seemed to be in a hurry."

"Check and see if her location's still on" Sabito suggested

You rush to turn on your phone, looking over Makomo's contact information

Astonished at what you found, you looked up from your phone to reply

"Her location...the last time it was on was a few miles away from here."

"What?!--" Sabito stands up quickly "Then we have to go now. What the hell are we waiting for?!"

"That's not a good idea." Tanjiro protested

"Tch," Sabito waved him off

He then placed his skateboard on the flat ground above the pier and looked back at you "We need to do something about this now. Who knows, she could be waiting for someone to find her"

"But Sabito, no one even knows we're here," You reply, gathering up Makomo's things in your arms "We could end up missing right with her, and then it'd all have been for nothing"

Sabito pauses to think about what you've said. He doesn't reply, he simply just swings his foot behind him and skates off toward the street.

"SABITO, NO" You called frantically, rushing to go after him

You stop in your tracks when Tanjiro blocks you with his arm calmly, but firmly. You want to just run past him but he looks deadly serious about this

"Tanjiro what are you doing?! He's going to get hurt" You cross your arms over yourself as you were visibly afraid

Tanjiro tilted his head toward Sabito who disappeared around the corner as he did "He's not going to get very far."

"What do you mean he's not?"

"You'll see"

You glance over Tanjiro's shoulder, waiting for something to happen. 

In the silence that ensues you stare around at the wide landscape before you. From where you stand by the dock, there's an empty lot surrounded by trees, leading to the main street. There aren't any visible cars out in the open but you suppose it could be easy for someone to park behind a tree

Only about a minute of waiting later, Sabito trudged out from behind the trees, skateboard in hand

Behind him stands a girl with short black hair and the signature butterfly clip you always saw her wearing. Upon squinting at her, you can easily tell this is Shinobu Kochou, the junior who always seemed to have a nose for the younger kids' arrangements.

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