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LMAO this story is getting crazy my ideas just cant stop flowing TvT 

Me: *writes a new plot twist every chapter*

You guys: what.happened.to the original plot.of the movie!?!

also OMFG H THIS REACHED 5 K you guys I feel so bad I havent even been updating and its still getting reads tHANK YOU!


When you arrive back at school, you were so quick to get off of Ume's bike that you nearly fell straight into the concrete

I have to tell Nezuko, or Tanjiro...or SOMEONE. This is HUGE

"THANK YOU!!" You made sure to yell back in gratitude to the siblings before running off

In your pockets were now not only one, but two important things for this investigation. Your luck, and your motive.

It's nearly completely silent on campus as you're jogging past the bike rack and through the field. The only sound is your blood pumping in your ears, and your breaths while you push yourself into a sprint.

I've gotta go before anyone sees me

You pushed your way past the double doors on the side of the building and they swung open from the impact

The bottom of your shoes could be heard clicking down the hall while you zipped past the open classrooms 

Okay, I think my next class iss....art? Shit, I forgot. I have no idea. 

You paused at the top of the stairs to the second floor to think

Just as you were thinking, the silence was broken by the sound of footsteps coming up behind you

what!? Someone was following me? How come I didn't hear them until now?!?

You spun on your heels quickly to face the follower

But no one seemed to be there. All you saw when you turned was a flash of black hair, but it was gone just as quickly as it came.

"Helllo!?" you yell

As expected, there came no response

"Fucking weirdo..." you mumble

Whatever, It doesn't matter. Just...focus on the task at hand.

"Excuse me ma'am."

you turn again at a firm hand grabbing you by the arm

"Is your name (Y/n) (L/n)?"

Looking the adult up and down, you see a police uniform, and a badge. You have nothing to worry about, but this deep feeling of dread washes over you.

"We're going to have to take you into questioning. Come with me." They say 

The room that they brought you to for the interrogation was separate from the classrooms, but not from the school building. You can tell that this room was meant to be some sort of office but you haven't seen it before.

"Please tell us your name, your age, and your grade." They said

"(Y/n) (L/n). 16. sophomore." you reply monotonously.

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