Chapter 1

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The Present


I am never, ever, drinking again. Ever. This is by far, the worst hang over I’ve ever experienced.

But who am I kidding? Telling me not to drink is like telling cookie monster not to eat his cookies—that shit just doesn’t work.

I wanted to lay in bed, but of course I had school in two hours.

Lord kill me now.

I unwillingly opened my eyes to the scorching sun hiding behind the curtains. Groaning, I lifted myself from the bed and rubbed my eye lids, hoping they’d make me more conscious to the world. Yeah, it was pointless.

I looked at my surroundings and realized I was sitting on someone’s bed—I wasn’t alone… neither was I wearing clothes.

I searched briefly on the floor for some of my belongings, but it was spotless. Weird… how can someone have a clean room while having a party? I should take some tips.

I eventually gave up and searched under the sheets…

So I’m not the only one naked. I looked to the naked boy and smirked. He’s a solid 8/10—I did a good job.

I focused of finding my clothes, eventually discovered them tucked underneath the bed. I got dressed in what I thought was record time and ventured into the hallway looking for whom I call my best friend—Beth.

It’s always a nightmare finding each other after parties, but we swore never to leave one alone. I came across a door and heard loud groaning inside of it. I rested my warm hand and sifted as the coolness of the knob touched my skin.

Please be Beth… I begged as I slowly opened the door.

Oh lord. That is not Beth.

I closed door with a loud thud. I was not hoping to see a naked man hanging upside down, covered in his own vomit.

At least… I hope it’s his. But I couldn’t help question as to why they had a hand saw behind him.

I walked through a few more doors until I found her… hand cuffed in black lingerie. “Why are you always handcuffed to things?” I asked as her head snapped in my direction.

“Mia! Get me out of this, please!” she shouted desperately.

I laughed and leaned against the door, “And what if I don’t?”

“Then I’d be stuck.” She replied sarcastically as I walked to the door. “Okay, okay I’m sorry! Just please, help me get out of these!”

“Where are the keys?” I asked as her eyes widened. “You’re fucking kidding?”

“We got distracted and… I kind of threw them.”

Unlike the room I was in just before, this one was a complete mess. Clothes were lying around everywhere, empty drink bottles were scattered along the carpet… no wait, that isn’t carpet, just more clothes.

“Maybe I should just leave you here,” I said casually as she gasped. “It might teach you not to be a whore.”

She cocked an eyebrow and laughed, “And you didn’t get any last night?”

“Nope,” I lied.


“I’m just like the virgin Mary.”

“Except you’ve had sex and your name isn’t Mary.” She replied.

“Correct,” I smiled as a thought popped into my head—the saw! “I know how we can get you out of those cuffs.”

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