Setting Up

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Four months later, on December 30, 2015, I turned to use a Ouija board to try and contact Craven. I decided to write down what I wanted to ask him on a paper sheet to prepare for this task. Once I did that, I asked my mother if it was okay to use the board. (We used to have only one. Now, thanks to Mom, we have a whole collection!)

She said yes, but only on two conditions. One, I had to light a candle. Two, I needed to "close the portal" once I finished. Mom referred to the portal as the barrier between the living and dead. Through this portal, the spirits of the deceased can enter our world.

I listened to what she had to say and took the Ouija board to the dining room table. Mom lit a candle, and I took the planchette and started asking away.

Note: the fifth question involves a spoiler for Scream 4 (2011), also known as Scre4m. If you haven't seen the film, you are welcome to skip the question.

Interview by Ouija BoardWhere stories live. Discover now