Chapter 4

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You would think birds chirping outside mixed with a cloudless day would provide a warm feeling to anyone devoid of human contact, but Dream felt the opposite. He felt cold, on the outside and within. He wasn't angry per se, he had expected things to go this way with his boyfriend, but it didn't necessarily make things easier for him. He knew he would be excluded from activities, yet he was desperate to be included, to be wanted. It's not that he wasn't needed. That wasn't the issue, Dream pondered. George needed Dream, but simply didn't want him.

Dream, although upset about it, knows why George doesn't talk to him much anymore. He's changed, they both have ever since the incident. George tries to distract himself in any way possible, Dream has seen it firsthand, but it never seems to work for him. Dream tries his best to comfort him, but it never seems to make a difference. He tries anyway.

The sun outside is only a reminder of how perfect others' lives may be at the moment and how imperfect his is. Other people probably have a two sided relationship, and other people may be laughing with their partner. Instead, Dream has been sitting at the same, run down kitchen table for the past hour waiting for his partner to return from who-know's-where. He never told Dream the details, but he thinks he knows.

Or maybe the sun is Dream's distraction? Maybe it's meant to be the "calm before the storm" type of situation, and it's meant to distract him from the upcoming storm, one that is bound to tear the two apart. Or maybe it has already passed? Dream knows he should focus more on the signs given to him from nature, but he can't tear his mind away from his boyfriend. George's need for Dream is reciprocated, and Dream is not willing to give him up quite yet. Dream knows he's being possessive, but anyone would be in his shoes. He would stop at nothing to keep the brunette in his arms. Not even death itself could keep Dream away from George.

A slam of the front door brings Dream back to reality, and draws his attention to the brunette smiling at his phone. Dream stands from the kitchen table, a place he had been sitting at for an hour just waiting while deep in thought, and notices George on his back on the bed, phone above his head.

Dream places an arm above his head on the side of the doorframe, "Who're you talking to?"

Clouds had apparently formed, darkening the once semi-happy sky.

"Um," George hesitates and taps on his phone, preoccupied. "One second." Dream hears the cat meow from beside the bed. George huffs, "fine what do you want," and he looks over the side of the bed, only to sigh when noticing the darkness overpower the light that was the sun only 5 minutes prior.

Dream walks over to him, and sits next to him in an attempt to distract him from the impending storm. With a grunt, George sets his phone down on the nightstand to the left of him, and stares out at the rain slowly increasing in speed. Some would find it's noise calming, but to George it's only a reminder. Dream notices the boy's distress, and wraps an arm around him in comfort.

A sudden ding from the phone brings George's attention away from the rain as he leans back on the bed once more, tapping being the new noise filling the room. George mumbles something, most likely to whoever he's texting, whilst Dream grabs the bedsheets in frustration.

Dream hears a sentence come out of George's mouth, one that he thought he'd only hear addressed to himself, let alone a stranger on an iPhone. Not even a sentence actually, a mere 5 words nearly break the blonde. "I think I love you."

With sweat forming on the nape of his neck, Dream huffs out, "I'll be in the kitchen."

George mumbles back, "Okay."


A/N Leave a vote if you're mad at George right now <3

(I promise if you're confused things will make sense at the end)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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