Techno's wings

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This is basically how Techno got his wings. 

⚠️Includes: minor blood, screaming and cussing⚠️ For you sensitive babs out there <3

Note: Techno is 12 in this and Wilbur is 11. Tommy's probably like idk a toddler 

Techno sat in bed curled in a ball. His back felt horrible like a million needles where stabbing through it. His head was burning like steak on a barbeque. Something was defintley wrong with him. He wasn't sure if he was ill or not as this pain he felt was nothing like any illness he had caught before.

"P-Phil..." He said as loudly as he could from his closed bedroom door. "Phil.. Dad... Dadza!"

Techno didn't want to have to move to open the door, as his legs to where also burning with pain. He grabbed his blanket pulling it around his shoulders and taking a step out of bed. As soon as his foot was placed on the grey, fluffy carpet, a wave of naesuea washed over him like a tsunami. 

He started to weep and his breathing became shallow. 

"Dadza please!" Techno cried out, "Please, I-I'm dying!"

Sudden footsteps could soon be heard running across the landing. The door slammed open, revealing a worried Phil. He rushed over to his eldest soon and scooped him up in his arms, rocking him slightly like a baby. 

"Its okay... Shh I'm here. It's alright" Phil whispered. He had much experience from this due to Wilbur's recurring nightmares. Speaking of the devil, a small head popped up from the door peering into the dark room.

Soon a small Wilbur stepped to the side and stood in the doorway.

"What's Dadda doing?" He asked, lifting up his favourite whale plushie to his chest.

"Dadda is just helping Techno sweetie" 

Wil walked inside the room and sat down on the bed he looked at his brother and then adjusted to sitting on his knees. He held out his teddy to him and Techno took it swiftly, holding it close to him. Phil smiled softly at the young child and then looked back at the child in his arms.

"Why does everywhere hurt?" He mumbled, sniffling slightly.

"Your wings are manifesting, that's why" Dadza answered.

"What why now!?"

"Because 12 years is usually the year your wings manifest."

Techno winced as a sharp pain shivered through his body. His father stood up with him still in his arms and walked to the bathroom, grabbing an old towel from the cuboard. He then walked downstairs hoping not to wake Tommy, the youngest child.

When he got downstairs he placed Techno on the sofa, on the towel. 

"I'm sorry... it'll only hurt a bit"

"Wha-" Tech went to ask before another sharp -but worse this time- pain struck his body. His shirt soon started to tear at the back and he screamed loudly in pain. Blood soon became visible dripping down his back. Red, sticky blood dribbled down on the towel and sofa.

Phil put his hand out for his son to hold, knowing another scream would soon shake the house. He could hear his son breathing heavily while reaching behind him, ignoring his father's hand, across his back. 

Techno could feel two small bumps on his back. They were pointy and defintley made of bone and he could feel something wet. He looked at Phil.


He nodded then screaming again as he could feel the bumps growing larger and ripping through his flesh, splattering blood up the nearby pillows. They kept growing and growing the bumps. The warm trickle of blood constantly being felt on his body, sticking there. Dejavu over and over.

- - - A few hours later - - - Its afternoon-ish time - - -

Techno had been laying on the sofa for more than 5 hours now. His creams echoed across the house, shaking the picture and nicknacks on the walls. Through all this time, Phil had still stayed by the boy's side (literally).

The bumps had grown much bigger now, having ripped of the majority of his precious skin. A large structure of bones covered in new but strangely warm flesh had wet, gooey feathers sticking in clumps to them. His wings... Grey like his fathers but different slightly.

Techno let out another large scream as the wings tore rapidly through his back. Phil smiled and hugged his son, carefully avoiding his new set of wings. 

"You did it bud..." He said, "I'm so proud of you!"


Phil nodded realising from the awkward hug and making Techno spin around so he could examine his back. The flesh was torn and bloodied. His wing structure looked slightly wonky but only he could take the blame for that, he didn't really worry about the position his son was laying in at the time.

He ran his fingers along the wet feathers and then called for Wilbur. Soon enough the second son came running downstairs. He came into the room and looked at his father trying to ignore the blood everywhere. He was a mature child for his age.

"Could you go get Dadza a hair dryer please? Maybe also check on Tommy?"

Will nodded and went back upstairs to retrieve the dryer. He soon came back down and handed the item to Phil. The man placed a kiss on his son's forehead and watched him leave before plugging in the dryer to a nearby cable.

"Right now, I'm going to dry your wings and warm them up"

He flicked the switch and hot air blasted out through the fans on the contapsion. Techno took a deep breath now relaxed and excited to learn more about his wings and what he could do with them. 

- - -Time skip again sorry but I'm lazy - - - After his feathers have been dried - - -

Phil turned off the hair dryer or in this case feather dryer and examined the new, ruffled wings. It would take some time for Techno to get used to having two annoying extra limbs attached to his back but knowing the boy he would manage. 

He smiled and admired his son for a second. The wings where a spitting image of his but slightly darker and more damaged but that's because they were new.

"It's strange" Mumbled Techno

"I know right, I felt like that when I first manifested"

He stood up and took Techno's hand leading him into the kitchen. The wings felt like weights on his back but he kept walking. Phil reached up into a cupboard and pulled out some bandages and scissors.

"Stay still now, I'm bandaging up your back area and chest"

He nodded and sat down on a breakfast bar stool. He could feel the cotton protection, layering onto his body. It was tight round his chest but he took a deep breath, wriggling around a bit. When Phil was done, he jumped down and helped his father with the cleaning. Techno felt bad that he had to clean up his blood and ripped skin for no reason so he collected it up and threw it in the bin and sprayed the splodges of red.

After they'd finished, it was around nighttime, Wilbur came downstairs with a baby Tommy on his back. He sat down next to his older brother and placed Tommy next to Phil -leaving him to babble away-. Techno leaned on Phil's shoulder then WIlbur also leaning into him and wrapping an arm around his waist laying down slightly. Phil chuckled and played his arm around them all pulling them into a hug.

"I love you all..." He whispered while Tommy chewed on his shirt.

1275 words :0

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I might not do a chapter on Wilbur manifesting his wings unless you all have a different idea on how he manifested. If you do please share and I'll feature you in the next oneshot.

Also sorry to all the Tommy fans who came here to read about him. I will be writing about him a bit more but I'm also a big fan of Techno.

Stay safe <3


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