October 11th

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~dedicated to Hailey Powell~

As I sat in the back of English, I couldn't even concentrate on anything anyone around me was saying.
The calendar read
'Friday, the 11th of October', it was about 2 in the afternoon.

And all I could think about was Ava.

In the last 12 hours, I drank about 3 too many cups of coffee trying to stay awake, and pinched myself at least a dozen times trying to see if this was real.
She had really picked me up in her car.
She was really there.

"Bro, are you okay?"
Michael was turned around in the blue plastic chair staring at me like an idiot.
"-Yeah man, I'm fine." I said as I broke out of my thoughts.
"Is it true you and that new chick went driving," he winked as he said 'driving', "around town last night?"
I tried to hide my enflamed cheeks, but I could help but smile like a fool.

"Yeah...its true."

Wait, how does he even know?

"How did you find out?" I said quizzically.
"A bunch of kids are talking about it, and apparently her old boyfriend from Ohio dropped her off in his car this morning and wasn't too happy to discover she was running around with some sophomore-"

No way.

No fucking way.

"What?! Her boyfriend?" I couldn't even think as my heart dropped.
I liked this girl.
And after "running around" with her (even though it was one night) I'll be honest, it hurt a little.

"Yeah man, she has a boyfriend..."
He looked at me and must've seen my expression.
"Awwwwe," he paused and smirked, "this little pussy must've fallen for her. Well, honey, sometimes you have to realize your face is just too ugly to attract anything, even flies."
Typical Michael.
I rolled my eyes and waited for this idiot to get quiet.
This always happens.
I always start falling for someone and it turns out they have a boyfriend.
God, people bother me.

I tried to pay attention for the remainder of class, and I tried to care about the paper due Monday, but I couldn't.
I still couldn't believe she'd do that.
I thought she was different.


This paper isn't even near finished and it's already 2am.
It's currently Sunday night, and after sulking all weekend, and countless hours of procrastination, I was finally writing this damn paper.
I was on the 3rd paragraph of 5, and this whole thing was turning to shit.

Who the hell gives a report Friday and expects it to be done Monday?

Public schools are just great...just fuckin great.

And best if all I still haven't stopped thinking about her since Thursday night.
I'm hopeless, absolutely hopeless.

I looked out the window and wishes her car would pull up.
I looked at my phone, longing for it to ring.
I looked back at my laptop, and the half written paper, and the empty coffee cups and the papers all over the floor.
I yawned.
I sat back in the chair at the desk in the corner or my blue room and closed my eyes for what seemed like a second.

All I remember is thinking about her and closing my eyes.

I awoke in the hospital.

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