Light paths and green grass

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This chapter is dedicated to Hailey Powell

"And then, he jumped off the bridge and almost died, but he lived."

Ava laughed and smiled looking through the dirty windshield of her Honda, glancing at me every so often to make sure I was listening.
She was in the middle of telling me another crazy ass story about her and her brothers.
She was the youngest of five kids, and the only girl.
Ava Parker.
This girl was something else.
She was new at Kingston High, and had just moved from Ohio. Her and her family had just moved into a house about a mile from mine, it was red and huge. We had passed it a while back. it was Easily three stories, with lots lights and windchimes and nice cars in the driveway.
What ever professions Mr. and Mrs. Parker obtained must've paid good money.

Anyway, She was absolutely amazing in my opinion.
You always see super models and actresses, and they look like tens and they have perfect airbrushed features, perfect photoshopped figures.
But this girl, this girl was different.
She didn't need looks, even though she had them.
She had this personality, this, this, these vibes that radiated for miles, brightening rooms.
And I had only just met her.
I had already noticed small things about her, like the way her curls bounced when she talked, the way she drummed her thumbs on the black leather of the steering wheel.
We'd been driving for about an hour, laughing and talking, and it felt like I was just catching up with an old friend.

"Hey Jayce?" She said after a while of silence.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Are you scared of growing up? You know, leaving this place and forgetting our friends and all..." her words trailed off and she just looked out the window and then back at me.
" I guess...I try not to think about it." I replied.
I looked out the window at the sky.
What I forgot all of this?
I didn't want to forget this night.
I didn't want to forget my friends.
Life isn't just some VCR tape you can go back and rewind.
As I finished my thought, the car stopped.
Ava got out and leaned against the hood of the car.
I followed her and looked around.
We were in a park.
There was a lit trail, and the bricks that lay in that path were old and worn.
There were lights every few feet, and, green stuff on the ground.
Green stuff?
I squinted my eyes and focused on the stuff.
It was green and looked like a little plant.
I just couldn't remember the word.
I kept staring at it until Ava spoke up.
"Jayce are you okay? You keep looking at the grass like you've never seen it before"
Grass, that's the word.
"Yeah I'm fine," I said, "just tired."
"Well don't be tired, c'mon," she said as she took my hand and led me down the trail.
"I'm sorry this is all really out of the blue and crazy, it's just that I saw this park on the drive here when my family and I were moving," she explained, "and thanks for coming, I'm honestly really glad I hit into you today in the hall." she said as we walked.
My heart beat faster.
She was glad to have met me.
I tried to hide my smile.
"And Jayce?" She looked into my eyes and smiled.
She took my hand and slowly leaned in and kissed my cheek.
"Thanks for driving out here with me tonight. I had fun."

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