The Dream

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~Dedicated to Makayla brown~


"Tag! Your it!"

A young Michael tagged a blonde haired girl with bright eyes, and ran around my backyard trying not to get caught.

Small kids were scattered throughout the yard.
A bright green dinosaur piñata was hanging from the oak in the middle of our backyard.
The sky was bright and balloons were thrown about the yard and all over the porch.
A giant ice cream cake sat on the plastic kiddy table.
My mother sat on the porch swing and seemed to be in a deep conversation with the red haired woman next to her.

This was my 5th birthday party.

"Jayyccee!!" I turned around and looked at the kids running around like animals.
But they weren't talking to me.
They were all looking at something behind me.
I turned around and stared dumbfounded at the little kid behind me.

It was me.

I was shocked as this kid ran to his (or my) friends and joined their game.
I wasn't me, I wasn't a part of this party.
"I" ran to my friends and started chasing some kid.
As I tried to reach the boy's shoulder, I tripped over my own feet and fell to the ground.
"Tiny me" began crying and the much younger version of my mother bolted from her position on the porch and came to my side.
I was screaming blood was everywhere.
My mom had fear I her eyes.
I got closer.
I don't remember what the other adults were doing around me, not did I care before now, but they all stared at me.
They took their kids and backed away from me.
My dad came into view and out of the house and picked me up.
I followed him and my mom to the car and slipped into a backseat with my mom and little me.
I didn't realize how bad I had actually broke my arm until now.
I jut remembered the pain until now.
Apparently no one could see me, an I just watched everyone.
I looked out the window and stared at the same familiar road I drove to school on, the same road that led to the highway and the hospital.
My dad made a turn and the car jolted to the right.
We were going entirely too fast.
"We're almost there Jayce, we're almost there honey." my mother repeated those words over and over again trying to calm "me" down.
The turns were becoming sharp and the speedometer topped at least 80mph.

I watched in horror as my father approached a stop light at could not slow down.
The breaks screamed louder than my mother and we drove straight into the intersection.

The weird part was that this never happened.
I'd never been in an accident.

As the Honda missed the light, a truck smashed into the side.

We went flying.

I'm pretty sure we rolled over, but then again I'm not sure what was even happening.
I looked down and blood covered my hands, though I could feel no wound.
It was loud and quiet and bright and dark.
There were sirens and lights and a
hospital room.


I jumped up in bed panting.

I was covered in sweat and freaking out.
I looked around my room and got acquainted with my surroundings before calming down.
That was the weirdest dream I've ever had in my life.
I saw everything in exact details.
It was like watching a video of my life, except the accident was fictional.
It was so strange.

I looked at the clock on the nightstand next to me.
It was 1:30am
Thank god I have a few more hours to sleep.
I closed my eyes still pondering the strange dream.
Sleep quickly found me as I closed my eyes.
And all I could think about was the hospital and the party and everything that I had just seen and relived in my dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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