Chapter 1

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BANG! The bullet went through the girl's head faster than she could utter her last plea for her life. She had offered no useful information to Hajime about Infiniti. She wasn't important, just a mere coder with a very minor part of the company.

Hajime Hinata was a member of one of the biggest mafia corporations in Japan. And he was very good at his job. He had killed probably over five hundred people by now and had no intention of stopping. Even his leader, miss Junko Enoshima herself, had declared that he was her favorite agent. He got the job done, with no emotion involved. No attachment to his victims.

Hajime stared at the body of the girl, which was growing colder by the second. "Damn man, that was cold-hearted!" A voice declared from the opposite side of the room. Hajime glanced up at the boy who had spoken. His name was Kazuichi Soda. The boy had pink hair and a grey beanie. He was another member of their mafia, and he was Hajime's apprentice. He didn't have nearly as much experience as Hajime, he was highly annoying, and honestly, Hajime had considered killing him before Kazuichi declared Hajime was his best friend. Ever since then Hajime had grown quite close to Kazuichi. Kaz was probably his only friend, besides Hajime's sister.

"You just shot her? Just like that? No remorse?'

"No remorse," Hajime repeated back. Kazuichi was getting better at the, no feeling emotions while dealing with hostages thing, but every now and then he would slip. This girl was actually Kazuichi's assignment, but Kazuichi didn't have the guts to kill her, and Hajime was sick of her blabbering.

"Now, since I've done your job for you, clean this up." Hajime gestured to the body and the pool of cherry red blood forming around it. Kazuichi gave a long frustrated sigh. "But you said I didn't have to clean up this time!"

"I said you didn't have to clean up if you finished your job." Hajime scolded. "You let your emotions get in the way of you doing your job. Do better to push your emotions down. This girl is an enemy." That mechanism had always helped Hajime. These people were enemies of the mafia. They didn't deserve to live.

"Right, got it." Kazuichi sighed. Hajime walked with Kazuichi to get his mop and bucket. "Man, you're so impressive," Kazuichi said. "You're fantastic at your job, you can always get information out of everyone!"

"It's a gift."

"Yeah, sure it is." Kazuichi got a mop bucket and started filling it with water. "More like you're an emotionless bastard." He joked. Hajime sighed. "I'm only emotionless when I have to be. Emotion gets in the way of doing a good job. You show mercy on an enemy, and that is not allowed." That was the lesson Junko Enoshima had taught him.

Junko had found Hajime on the streets when he was about ten years old. His mother was dead and his father had been incredibly abusive, mostly towards his sister, Sara. Hajime had run away from home with Sara but had nowhere to go. Then, Junko had found him and was interested in the sad, starving little boy on the streets with a small little sister. She had asked him if he wanted a job. He immediately said yes, not knowing what was in his future.

She had trained him harshly for years in the way of their mafia. Taught him how to kill, how to kidnap, and how to torture. He had hated it at first, but he couldn't quit. Junko had promised that if he stayed in their mafia, his sister would remain safe and get fundings from them. So Hajime kept at it until he got good at it. And now he was the best in their core.

Kazuichi finished filling the bucket grabbed a mop, and headed back to the room where the dead girl lay. "Remember," Hajime called after him. "Dispose of the body well. She's insignificant but the police will be after her soon."

"I know, I know." Kaz sighed. "How to dispose of a body was, like, the first thing you taught me." As he headed off, Hajime turned around and walked back upstairs. Their entire mafia hideout was underground, literally, they had built it underground. They had cells downstairs where hostages were kept and tortured until they were killed. On the second floor was were lots of meeting rooms where meetings were held about future targets and what to do next after a crucial target had been eliminated. There were also rooms where some of the members lived. Hajime lived in an apartment with his sister, who was now eighteen. She knew about his life in the mafia but swore never to tell anyone. Sara was one of the few people who knew about the mafia that Junko would keep alive.

Hajime poked his head into one of the meeting rooms to see that Junko was meeting with a couple of other agents. He wondered why he wasn't invited. Junko trusted him enough with her plans.

He quietly walked inside and leaned on one of the back walls. The room was dark enough so that they couldn't see him. Junko liked to keep her meetings dark.

"We have absolutely no insider information on Infiniti!" A woman with large strawberry blonde pigtails slammed her fist on a desk in fury. "We've interrogated about fifteen coders now and
have gotten absolutely nothing! How do none of Infiniti's stupid employees know anything?" Infiniti was the largest online company in the world. They were originally an online store that sold literally everything. Anything a person could want, Infiniti would have it. Infiniti combined lots of online stores everywhere into one very efficient website. And because of that, they made bank. Infiniti had billions upon billions of dollars, and they recently started expanding from online shopping. They've started making video games, learning platforms, anything online that could be purchased, adding to their growing pile of money.

Hajime's mafia was among the many people who thought Infiniti was getting too big. They probably had a little less than half of Japan's money stored away, and people were starting to think they were planning on world domination. Capitalism at its finest. And the mafia was planning on stopping it, but also planning on taking a good chunk of Infiniti's funds. So to do that, Junko started assigning her agents to take Infiniti employees and get information out of them, hoping they would spill something about where the companies funds were, anything about the founder (Byakuya Togami), or anything about the coding of the main Infiniti
website, the online store. If Junko couldn't find the company's money or find a way to kill Byakuya efficiently, then she would start by hacking the main website and taking it down.

Unfortunately, they had tried this strategy of taking simply replaceable cubicle employees, but apparently, the company liked to keep its information well hidden, so the majority of employees didn't know squat. This was a bit of a problem. Hajime assumed this board meeting was so Junko and a couple of other agents could brainstorm what to do next.

But, alas, everyone was pulling a blank, and Junko was not happy about it. One agent meekly suggested that they take Byakuya Togami and force him to give them his money, but Junko shoved the idea away, threatening to shoot the poor agent. "Byakuya is one of the most protected people in this country! I'm not sacrificing good agents just to attempt to get close to him!" But then, that idea sparked something in Hajime.

Byakuya was important. Very important. He came up with the idea of the company and then hired a bunch of programmers for the backbone of the company. One of the most famous programmers was Chihiro Fujisaki. Chihiro did the heaviest work on the programming of the company, but there were a couple of unknown programmers that also helped with forming the website, video games, and educational programs. They weren't like the hundreds of rinky-dink employees that just worked on one tiny specific section of the company. These programmers were what kept Infiniti running.

"I don't mean to intrude," Hajime said from the back of the room, startling everyone.

"Oh, Hajime baby! I'm so glad you're here!" Junko flashed a wicked smile. "I'm so sorry for not getting you. I just thought you were busy helping your apprentice with his assignment."

"I was," Hajime said. "But we got finished rather quickly, and Kazuichi is just cleaning up, so I decided to come here. Now, I've been listening to what you're saying, and I got an idea. Yes, it would be absolute suicide going after Byakuya, or even after Chihiro, but there are other
programmers, we just don't know about them, yes? If we found the identity of one of these key programmers and brought them here, their heads must be a gold mine of information just waiting for us to crack open." As Hajime finished his pitch, Junko's smile grew even more.

"Hajime, you devil you, I like where your heads at." She gazed around the room at the other agents. "You all should strive to be like Hajime Hinata. He knows how it's done." All of the agents looked around the room, worriedly. Junko was known for killing her own agents at absolute random if they didn't do what she liked. But she didn't pull out any guns. Just ordered a couple of agents to start researching programmers that worked for Infiniti, which helped with major development. And after that, the meeting was adjourned.

Hajime turned back around to start heading home when Junko called him from her seat. He walked over to her. "Hello there Hajime. How are you fairing?" She asked. Hajime smiled. "Quite well, how are you?"

"Great after your suggestion! Geez, Hajime you can be so dumb at times, but also super intelligent."

"Umm... thank you?"

"Don't mention it!" Junko casually put her feet up on her desk. "So, how's your little apprentice doing? What was his name... Kazuichi?"

"Kazuichi is doing fine," Hajime reported. "I've trained him in the basics and helped him on his mission today. He did well, except he didn't know when to stop looking for information, so he dragged on a bit. I had to end the employee's life."

"Oh boo, well at least he's learning from the best." Junko smiled again. There was something about Junko's smile that Hajime found... unsettling. He didn't know what it was.

"Well, I can assure you that you'll be getting an assignment sometime soon. You can allow Kazuichi to help, or you can work by yourself. Your choice. Now run along, you have a sister to get back to." Junko waved her hand for Hajime to get lost. Hajime walked out of the meeting room and left the mafia hideout altogether. Junko was right. He did have a sister to get to.

Authors note: umm hi person who is reading this. Sorry, it's so trash. But thank you for reading! This is just a draft, I'll fix it later. I originally wrote this on my phone. Well, umm, bye for now.

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