Chapter 15

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Hajime cried for the entire drive home. He didn't want to believe that his best friend was gone. Kaz had sacrificed himself so that Hajime could get away with Nagito. As Hajime bawled Nagito tried to comfort him, but even being with Nagito couldn't mask the overwhelming sadness that had taken over Hajime. After a bit of trying, Nagito left Hajime alone. Hajime still kind of wanted to talk to Nagito, but he was also grateful. About halfway through the drive, Nagito laid down on the backseat, wrapped a blanket around himself that Hajime had put in the back beforehand, and fell asleep.

At first, Hajime wanted to still take Nagito to the hospital. But then, he thought, Junko and some agents were probably following him. They had to patch up Junko first but after that, they would go right to looking for them. They would most definitely drag Nagito back for more questioning and would kill Hajime. Hajime would not let Nagito fall back into Junko's clutches, and he knew that they would look at the hospital first since that was most reasonable. So Hajime decided not to go there.

But that didn't mask the fact that Nagito needed help. Hajime was now sure Nagito was sick, along with his wounds that Hajime had no idea how to deal with. So, he went to the first place that came to mind. Home.

His home was the second place Hajime was sure the mafia would look, but he knew he had some time. So he pulled into his garage, picked up the unconscious Nagito, and carried him inside. Even with a blanket wrapped around him Nagito shivered in Hajime's arms.

Hajime walked inside to see Sara eating dinner alone. She perked up when she saw Hajime, but her face immediately fell when she saw the unconscious boy in his arms.

"Wh-what happened?!" Sara asked, completely shocked.

"I'll tell you in a second, but, he's sick and hurt, and I don't know what to do. You're the only person I know that could help him." Instead of being cocky about his answer, Sara just nodded and took Nagito out of Hajime's arms. She walked over to the kitchen table, Hajime moved her food, and she gently laid him down. Then she took the blanket away and started looking over him.

"God damn..." she muttered to herself. Hajime flinched. "Is it that bad?"

"He's more than bad Hajime, I don't know how he's still alive, and that's from giving him a once over!" Sara yelled, panic settling into her voice. Then, she took a deep breath to calm down and started with giving him a quick check-up.

All in all, his right wrist was slit open, he had at least ten stab wounds on his arms and legs, one of the open wounds was infected and was making him sick. He had a broken rib, multiple bruises, rope burns on his wrists and ankles, and was missing seven fingernails. Sara also said he was extremely thin, he had definitely gone a few days without eating anything. So to put it bluntly, the mafia messed him up badly.

When Sara finished listing off his injuries, Hajime started feeling sick again. Holy shit, what the hell had this poor boy been through? And he still had given nothing away?! How crazy was this kid!?

Sara was silent for a second before mumbling, "You tortured him... didn't you?" Hajime said nothing. Sara continued, "There's no way he got this many injuries during a fight on the street or something. None of these would kill him, but they're extremely painful." Hajime grimaced.

"I- I didn't hurt him... specifically but... yeah... you're right. But I got him back, and you can make him okay, right?" There was doubt on Sara's face. "I'll do my best, how much time are we working with?"

"About an hour."

"AN HOUR?!" Sara clicked her tongue. "What kind of trouble are you in?"

"A lot, can you at least try?" Sara nodded, then immediately got to work. She cleaned out his open wounds and bandaged them up quickly. She put some burn ointment on his rope burns, then wrapped another bandage around his rib cage. She took a washcloth and cleaned all the dirt and blood off of him.

Meanwhile, Hajime started packing a bag. He knew if he wanted Nagito to live, they would have to run away, probably to the opposite side of Japan. He had a plan forming in his mind. They would drive through all of Japan, stopping at a place where they could get fake IDs, and finally, stop at the very northern part. They would rent an apartment (that Hajime would completely pay for) and get jobs and live out life together, until they could travel to another country, like America. Hajime also planned to take Sara with him.

When Hajime had headed back into the kitchen with a suitcase he saw that Nagito was half-awake, and that Sara was giving him spoonfuls of soup. Hajime smiled at the white-haired boy. "Nagito... I'm glad you're awake." Hajime walked over to the table so Nagito didn't have to sit up to see him. Nagito gave a weak smile. "Hey, Hajime." He mumbled.

"How is he?" Hajime asked Sara.

"He's... awake." Was all Sara said.

"I'm fine I'm fi-" Nagito was suddenly interrupted by a coughing fit.

"You aren't fine." Sara scolded.

"Well, is he fine enough to move?" Hajime asked. Sara looked at Hajime in shock. "No?! He needs rest! He shouldn't be moved for a couple of days!" Hajime sighed. "Well, that is unfortunate, since we're leaving now."

"Huh?" Sara and Nagito asked in unison. Hajime quickly ran down his plan with the two of them. Then he told Sara to go pack quickly because they were going to leave soon. Sara sat there for a second, taking this all in, before she took a deep breath and said, "No."

"What?! Are you out of your mind?! Sara, if you don't come with us, they'll find you and they will kill you!" Sara gave a smile. "Which is exactly why I won't get caught." She sighed. "As much as I hate the idea of my brother and his extremely injured boyfriend running away, I know you must have messed up real bad To have a mafia hunting you. So, I won't stop you. But, I'm not going. I can't just pack up and leave, I have patients here I need to take care of! I have a life here!"

"B-but you'll get hur-" Sara put a finger over Hajime's lips to silence him. "If I see them coming, I'll run into another apartment, how does that sound?" Hajime was silent for a second before tears suddenly sprang to his eyes. Sara gave him a concerned look. "Oh Hajime, please don't cry." She begged. She reached up her hands to wipe his tears away.

"I, I always thought we would do everything together," Hajime mumbled. "I- I can't leave my baby sister behind."

"Shhh, it'll be okay, I promise. I can see Nagito makes you happy, so get outta here and make him happy!" The confidence and reassurance in her voice was what made Hajime feel better. He wrapped his arms around his sister, and suddenly, she was four years old again, small and helpless. Hajime felt like he always needed to protect her, but was also preparing himself for this day to come. He heard Sara sniff, indicating she was crying too.

He pulled away and looked at her eighteen-year-old face. "I'll be fine, I promise," she said. Hajime sniffed, nodded, and softly patted her head. "Take good care of Nagito ok?" She continued. "He needs you the most right now." Hajime nodded again. Taking care of Nagito was his number one goal.

Hajime walked back over to Nagito, who had fallen asleep again on the table. He shook Nagito's shoulder gently. "Time to wake up love, we're leaving now."

"Mmm... already?" Nagito mumbled. As Nagito woke up Sara handed Hajime a ton of pills. "Give these to Nagito." She ordered. "Twice a day. It should cure the infection. But the rest of his physical wounds will take time to heal. I put some painkilling pills in there too, but they probably won't do a great job since I'm not allowed to prescribe the heavy painkillers."

"It's fine," Nagito said. "I am truly grateful to you for taking care of me," Nagito said. Sara blushed. "It was nothing really. Just doing my job." Nagito tried to sit up but Hajime could see the pain on his face. Hajime walked over and lifted Nagito up.

"I can walk," Nagito muttered.

"No, you can't!" Sara piped in. "Stay off your feet for at least three days." Nagito gave a long dramatic sigh. "Three days? How Will I ever survive that long without the use of my legs?"

"You'll have me." Hajime smiled. Nagito smiled back. "That is a good thing to have." He nodded. Hajime carried Nagito to the car and put him in the front seat. Then he covered Nagito up with some blankets. "You can go to sleep," Hajime said.

"But I'm hungryyyy." Nagito pouted. He wasn't able to finish the soup Sara gave him.

"I'll get you a cheeseburger at McDonald's, how does that sound?" Nagito's face lit up. "Any food sounds like heaven right now." He commented. Hajime nodded and headed back inside.

Sara was cleaning up her first aid stuff. She spotted Hajime. "Oh good, I forgot to tell you. You're going to have to change Nagito's bandages every day. The wounds need to be kept clean so they don't get infected again and-" before she could say anything else, Hajime pulled Sara into another hug.

"I'll miss you, sis, so much," Hajime muttered, squeezing Sara tightly. "Thank you, for everything. I'll see you again, soon."

"Yeah," Sara smiled and squeezed Hajime back. "I love you. I'll see you soon."

"I love you too," Hajime said. After a bit, he finally pulled away from Sara, said his last goodbye, and walked into the garage. He sat in the passenger seat, his suitcase in the back, and his soulmate sitting next to him. Hajime reached over and grabbed Nagito's hand.

"You ready to run away together?" Hajime asked, rubbing the back of Nagito's soft, pale hand with his thumb. Nagito smiled. "As ready as I'll ever be." Then, Hajime put the key in the ignition, started the car, and started driving to his new life with Nagito Komaeda.

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