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Six months later...

BANG! The sound of the bullet was incredibly loud as it shot out of the gun and... completely missed the can Nagito was aiming for. Nagito gave a disappointed sigh as Hajime chuckled behind him. Hajime had been practicing with Nagito how to shoot a gun for two weeks now.

"Oh Hajime, thank you for being so patient with me but I don't think I'll ever get it!"

"Geez Nagito when have you ever given up this easily? It just takes practice, I promise. But, if you want, we can call it quits."

"You better call it quits! I need help setting up the blankets! And your gunshots are scaring miss Sonia!" Kazuichi said. The pale, blonde-haired girl sitting next to Kazuichi gave him a funny look. "What do you mean Kazuichi? I am not bothered by gunshots. In fact, you were the one who looked-"

"Besides the point!" Kazuichi demanded. "Hajime! Get your ass over here and help me set up the blankets!" Kazuichi had somehow found a girlfriend and they had been dating for a month. Her name was Sonia Nevermind, and to be honest, Hajime thought she was way out of Kazuichi's league. But still, Hajime was very happy for Kazuichi.

Hajime walked over and helped Kazuichi set up the blankets as Teruteru hopped over to them. "Oh, Teruteru. Would you like me to help you bring the food?" Nagito asked.

"But of course! Thank you for your consideration Luka- er, Nagito." Teruteru had been adopted into their friend group, somehow. They had told Teruteru their real names, and Teruteru was still taking some time to remember them.

Nagito stood up and walked over to Teruteru. Hajime smiled and admired Nagito for a second. It was in the middle of the summer, Nagito had pulled his hair into a ponytail again and had taken his jacket off. To put it bluntly, he looked hot.

"Would you like me to help you with... anything else?" Teruteru said with a smirk. Hajime rolled his eyes as Nagito just looked uncomfortable. Teruteru would never let up his perverted remarks.

As Nagito and Teruteru went inside to get the food, a car pulled up. "Sorry we're late," Fuyuhiko grumbled as he got out of his car. His girlfriend, Peko Pekoyama, was right behind him. "Traffic was pretty heavy."

"That's why you leave early dumbass!" Kazuichi sighed. After Junko's death, the mafia had completely broken apart. Some of the members were arrested, but others, like Hajime, Kazuichi, and Fuyuhiko, managed to get undetected. Ever since then, Hajime and Fuyuhiko had reconnected. They had become good friends, and Hajime had become friends with Peko as well. It had taken Nagito a little while to be able to trust Fuyuhiko. It wasn't his fault, anytime he saw Fuyuhiko it would bring back horrible memories. Fuyuhiko had apologized multiple times, and Nagito had forgiven him, but it had taken a while for him to get used to being around Fuyuhiko.

Nagito and Teruteru came back with the food and set it up. Everyone at the picnic gathered around and started eating. Hajime scanned around the blanket for a second. He saw Fuyuhiko and Peko eating, Kaz and Sonia having a good time, Teruteru explaining his dishes to anyone who would listen, and Nagito, who was kneeling next to Hajime, eating his food peacefully. Hajime gave a bittersweet smile. Everything was perfect. Well, almost perfect. He had everything he had ever wanted. Friends, happiness, love. But there was one thing missing.

"Hajime? Are you alright?" Nagito asked Hajime, a concerned expression on his face. Hajime wrapped an arm around Nagito's shoulder and nodded. "I'm fine, just thinking about Sara, that's all." He muttered. Oh, how he missed Sara. She should have been here with them, laughing and having a good time.

"I miss her too," Nagito murmured. "I didn't know her for long, but she was kind and light-hearted. But, I think she's here."


"Her presence I mean. Her spirit is here, with us, laughing along."

"Nagito, I don't believe in ghosts."

"She's not a ghost, it's just..." Nagito searched for the right words. "It's just a feeling. Here, close your eyes, focus, take a deep breath." Hajime felt silly, but he did what Nagito asked. And then, he felt it. He didn't know how to describe it. She was just, there. He could feel her. She was with his friends. "See?" Nagito murmured. "She's here. She would never leave you."

Hajime smiled and reopened his eyes. "I love you Nagito." He said as he ran his fingers up and down Nagito's arm. Hajime could feel some of the scars on Nagito's arm from those five horrible days when Nagito was with the mafia, but instead of shying away from them, he continued. Those scars were a part of Nagito now.

Nagito responded with a sigh of happiness and laid on Hajime's shoulder. "I love you too Hajime." He said as he placed a hand on Hajime's thigh. Hajime beamed with happiness. He was so grateful to Nagito, for finally showing him how to feel emotion again. He was thankful that Nagito had brought joy into his life once again. Hajime sighed. There. Now everything was perfect.

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