Chapter One

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Puck rolled down the window again, letting the hot air back into the car.

"Puck!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in exasperation. "I don't know if you know this, but the air conditioner doesn't work if you just keep opening the windows."

"Saaabriiinaaa," The boy groaned. "You haven't seen me in six months, maybe try and be a little nicer."

I wanted to remind him that he hadn't texted, called, or FaceTimed me in six months, but I knew that the cramped car, with everyone in it, wasn't the place to bring it up.

"Besides, I like the hot air!" Puck crossed his arms, before a look of panic crossed his face and he put his hands back on the wheel.

"Me too!" Daphne grinned, holding out her hand to fist bump Puck.

I cringed as he leaned into the backseat to complete the fist bump. We'd be lucky if we arrived in Florida with all of our bones intact.

"Could any of you try to be a bit quieter? I'm trying to sleep." Pinnochio snarled, as he uncomfortably sat in the very back, where we had all banished him to after he wouldn't stop complaining during hour two of the car ride.

It had been seven hours since then, and we still had five to go. Sixteen hours in the car with this family was not as easy as I'd hoped it would be. The only person who hadn't gotten on my nerves yet was Red, who was peacefully playing a game on her phone. I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"California girls, we're unforgettable!" Puck screamed although I think he was trying to sing. "Daisy Dukes, bikinis on topppp!"

"Puck! I am this close to strangling you." I held up two fingers and pinched them together.

"But, I think you said, if I drove all the way here, you would let me pick the music." He laughed.

"I'm seriously regretting that decision right now!" I snapped.

"California girls, we're undeniable! Fine, fresh, fierce! We got it on top!" Puck continued, while Daphne joined in, using her water bottle as her microphone.

I slammed my fist on the radio's power button. "Those aren't even the right words!" I screamed.

"Hey, I liked that song." The boy said, pretending to pout.

"I don't care," I mumbled, putting on my new sunglasses.

It was the end of May and we had all gotten out of school the week before. Puck and I had just finished our sophomore year, while Daphne, Red, and Pinnochio had wrapped up sixth grade. I had driven down from New York City, with my sister, where we lived with our parents and Basil, the day before. Back in March, William Charming had gotten a phone call from his landlord down in Florida, who owned the plot of land that his beach-house was on. I guess people were interested in buying the land, and he needed the money. Charming had been told that since he hadn't been to the house in over ten years, not like he could have before the barrier was broken, but the landlord didn't know that. And even now that he was free, the man loved Ferryport Landing and the authority he had there, so he didn't leave often. The men had worked out a deal that if someone stayed in the house for a two-week period and took care of it, Charming could keep it. But of course, Charming, who couldn't take responsibility for anything, decided to pay someone to live in it for him.

So, instead of partying and having the best summer of my life with my NYC friends, I was on the way to Prince Charming, William, Mayor of Ferryport Landing, a man of many names, not limited to some highly offensive ones I'd heard my sweet grandmother call him in the past's beach house, about to waste the first week of my summer. When the whole idea was brought to our attention, a couple of months ago, for some unknown reason, Granny trusted Puck and me to stay at the house for a week. This was until the fairy pulled a certain prank that landed Pinocchio in the hospital, with a broken leg. So, we still had to go, but now we were being accompanied by Red, Pinocchio, and Daphne. Not that I minded. Being alone with Puck for a week didn't sound like my dream vacation.

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