Chapter Four

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Day Two:

The next morning...

As I trudged down the stairs, I did my best to prepare myself to face Sabrina. I was embarrassed, but I was more exhausted. I had laid awake the entire night, trying to push Sabrina's horrible words out of my mind, but they wouldn't seem to budge. It had hurt me, hearing her casually telling Red she didn't love me. It was hard to love someone when they didn't love you back.

"Goooooood morning, Puck!" Daphne sang when I walked into the kitchen.

She was standing at the stove, in a stained white t-shirt that came down to her knees, cooking bacon.

"Morning, Marshmallow," I said, walking towards the fridge.

Red and Pinnochio were sitting next to each other, while Sabrina sat at the head of the table. She had a bowl of cereal in front of her. But, she wasn't eating it, just swirling the spoon around in the milk. She didn't look up when I walked in. I knew what she was doing. She was pretending that last night hadn't happened. She was pretending the words had never left her mouth. She always did this. Acted like we were fine when we both knew we weren't.

"Puck, the last slice of pizza in the fridge is mine. Don't you dare eat it." Daphne warned me, after seeing me eye the pepperoni-covered goodness.

"I wasn't going to eat it, I swear," I said, shutting the fridge, and making my way to the stools that overlooked the stove.

Daphne eyed me suspiciously. I gave her an innocent look and went back to staring at the granite countertop.

"Puck Goodfellow, not eating everyone's leftovers... seems a bit weird to me." She walked towards me. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, nothing." I forced a laugh, hoping no one would be able to tell I was upset.

The night before, I had tried to avoid a fight with Sabrina, by ending our conversation with a joke. But Sabrina wasn't dumb. And I could tell by the way she was acting this morning that she knew she had hurt me.

"Okay..." Daphne said, turning back to the hot stove.

"Hey, since when did you learn to cook?" I flicked the side of her head, hoping she would go along with my quick subject change...

"Owww, that hurt." She groaned, before rolling her eyes. "And I learned to cook while you were back in Ferryport Landing, ignoring my sister. It's all she talked about! 'Puck hasn't texted me!' 'Puck hates me!' "
Everyone turned to look at her, including Sabrina. But, the girl didn't seem to notice, as she continued with her little act.

"'Puck's so mean!' 'He won't talk to me!' 'Puck doesn't wanna grow up and have a million little EverAfter babies with me!'" She used her hands to mimic rocking a baby.

My mouth dropped open, and I looked over at Sabrina, who was turning bright red. I don't think it was just her sun-burn. But she, and Pinnochio and Red, were still staring at Daphne. But Sabrina looked different. I think it was the way her light blue eyes were getting darker. I stepped back, out of the way of the angry girl, who was walking towards Daphne.

"Daphne Delilah Grimm," Sabrina said, almost sweetly.

"I don't think I was supposed to say that..." Daphne scratched at her neck.

"I don't think so either," Sabrina said.


"Owww..." Daphne groaned.

She was laying on the couch, with an ice pack on her head.

"Maybe if you didn't go and blurt out my secrets to everyone, you wouldn't be crying on the couch." Sabrina called.

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