Chapter Nine

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Day Five:

A few minutes later...

I dug through my suitcase. I had no idea what to wear. How nice was the restaurant? Did I need to wear a dress? How much makeup should I put on? I wanted to bang my head into the wall. I could ask Puck, but he'd laugh at me if it was just a little restaurant on the corner, and I was too dressed up.

"Daphne!" I called.

"Yes?" Her voice echoed down the hallway, she must have been in the bathroom.

"Come here!" I said.

I heard the bathroom door shut, and a few seconds later, she was standing in the doorway, panting.

"I'm going out to dinner with Puck tonight," I told her, lowering my voice.

"No way!" She said, grinning. "Is it a date?"

This is exactly why I hadn't told her earlier.

"Yeah, I mean no. I mean I don't know." I said, exasperated.

Was it a date? I didn't want to tell her it was if we were just going to dinner as friends.

"Okay... well, what do you need?" She asked.

"You need to go find out what Puck's wearing," I told her, hoping she'd agree.

"He's wearing khakis and a dress shirt. I mean, I'll go see..."

I narrowed my eyes. Had he already told her?
"Did you already know?" I asked.

"No..." She said slowly. "I'll go see what he's wearing."

Before she could leave, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her down to the floor.

"I don't know have anything nice, as his outfit." I groaned. "Where'd he get khakis?"

She smiled and pulled a long wand out of her waistband. The fairy godmother wand. I braced myself as she spun it three times. I grimaced as the star came down on my head.

"Wow..." Daphne breathed.

"Wow..." I repeated as I stared at myself in the mirror.

I looked pretty. I was wearing a white romper, that covered the blisters on my back, that had begun to scab over. The material was light, but it felt soft and good on my skin. I smiled at the reflection.

"Okay, makeup time!" Daphne said, gleefully.

I made my way over to my suitcase and grabbed the pink bag that contained all of my makeup. I dumped it on the floor and got to work. I grabbed the tube of concealer and smeared it all over my face, hoping it would cover the red sunspots. Next, I put on a layer of mascara.

"Daph, can you plug in the curling iron? It's in the bathroom." I said to my sister, who was watching me intently.

"Yes sir!" She saluted me and leaped out the door.

I laughed to myself. She was truly one of a kind.

"Done!" She panted, as she tumbled back into the room, seconds later.

"That was quick."

"I know, I'm just so excited! Puck and Sabrina, together again!" Daphne giggled.

"We're not together. Don't say that." I scolded.

I wondered if we'd ever been together again. We lived close enough, that if we made an effort to come to see each other, it could work. But did he care enough to make an effort? When we'd first moved, Daph and I came up to Grannys almost every weekend. We missed everybody too much to stay away. But slowly, as we'd all gotten older, the fun of it had withered away. And little by little, the weekly trips turned into monthly trips, and the monthly trips had shrunk down to an annual trip for Thanksgiving, or whatever other holiday was near. It was just harder in high school to make time to go see Puck. But of course, when I saw him, it was like nothing changed, and I had never left. The kisses, the laughs, the pranks, the inside jokes, all came flooding back every time I stepped foot in Granny Relda's little yellow house.

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