Chapter Three

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Day Two:

Later that night...

I woke up sweating and was disgusted to find that I had to physically peel the sheets off my sticky body. I had been too tired to shower the night before and the aloe vera was still covering me from head-to-toe. I managed to get the blankets off myself, and as carefully as I could in the dark, climbed down the ladder. Daphne was fast asleep on the bunk below mine. She had drool sliding down the side of her face. I cringed but continued with my mission. I fumbled through my suitcase, to get my toiletries. I grabbed it and made my way to the bathroom. It was a disaster. The toilet seat was up, and the sink was filled with toothpaste. I knew exactly who left it like that.

puck. lets not leave the bathroom a mess. we're all sharing

He started typing three seconds after I sent it.

Ok sorry

I waited a second before I responded, but before I could say thank you, he texted me again.

Wait Sabrina

I didn't know what he was gonna say, but I didn't really care. The last thing I wanted right now was to deal with him. I clicked the power button on my phone and watched the screen turn black. I took a deep breath. I wanted this vacation to be for me. Not for me and Puck. I tried to tell myself he wasn't worth it. I told myself that every day. He pretended I didn't exist when I wasn't visiting. And, we went months without seeing each other. The boy I thought he was may just have been a made-up version in my head. I didn't even have feelings for him. He was annoying and always stared at my boobs. I wondered if he knew that I noticed. If and when we went out to dinner, it would just be as friends. Or a boy who I had loved for the past six years and a girl who didn't know how to sort through her emotions. But probably the first one. Probably.

The sticky aloe collected at the bottom of the shower. I used my toe to try and push it down the drain. When I leaned over, to look closer at the drain, the beads of water covered my back. The cold water felt good on my burnt skin. It had already started peeling. I vowed to wear sunscreen every day for the rest of my life. After a few more good rinses, to make sure I was completely free of the sticky substance, I stepped out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. I studied my face. I had a few new freckles. The skin on my nose was peeling. My eyebrows looked good. I had just gotten them done before we left. The way my wet hair plastered to the sides of my head made my ears look big. My forehead looked too wrinkly. my nose was too pointy. My eyelashes didn't curl as Daphne's did. I leaned in closer, analyzing every feature. It didn't look like a face anyone could love.

"Sabrina?" I heard a voice say, from the other side of the door.

I could tell it was Red by the way it rasped when it said the 'ee' part of my name. So it sounded like Sabr-eEna. I loved her voice. I always had.

"Yes? Why are you up?" I answered.

"I could ask you the same thing, but I'm just peeing."

"Okay, I'll be out in a second," I told her, taken back by her new-found attitude.

I guess she had done some growing-up of her own while I was in New York City. Daphne hadn't waited quite this long to develop her own attitude. I giggled at the memory of her yelling at everyone at the famous Camp Charming. It was crazy to think about the fact that I was able to laugh at the memory now. I snapped back to reality and wrapped the soft, blue bath towel tightly around my red body. I quickly scooped my things back into my bathroom bag and shifted it into my other arm, so I could open the door. When it swung open, Red was standing there, picking at her nails, a habit she'd picked up. She looked worried.

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