Prometheus: part 1

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This is another idea I got from a plot generator. I think it was meant to be a whole novel, but I thought it would be great as a short story.

Link to the plot generator I use:

The world had been thrown into a new ice age. All the advancements humanity had created were destroyed and people had gathered back into normadic tribes.

You were the leader of one of those tribes. You did your best to provide for your tribe but every day was a struggle. One day, as the sun was starting to set a figure appeared in the distance. Strangers these days made your tribe uneasy.

In order to calm your people you went to meet the stranger. You walked for what seemed for hours, the snow hampering your footsteps.

When you finally approached the stranger you were weary. Not knowing what to expect, you carried a wood spear.

"No need for that." The stranger told you. Suddenly out of nowhwhere your spear shot out of your hand and into the strangers. He looked at you with a wry grin.

"Who are you?" You asked with a combination of wonder and horror.

"I am Prometheus, and I am here to help you." The mysterious man gestured for you to sit with him. Prometheus knelt on the ground and began rubbing two sticks together. It took a moment, but suddenly a mysterious new substance emerged. It was red, warm and flickered constantly.
"What is it?" You asked, unable to look away from the unfamiliar material burning in front of you.
The man laughed "It is called fire. I can show you how to produce it, if you wish?"

You quickly agreed.

Prometheus spent the next few hours teaching you to make fire. It took forever but you finally learned to produce the flame. After you had done it you looked up to thank him but he was gone.

You began to head back to your people with just one thing on your mind: how on earth were you going to show your people how to use the gift you were given without being thought of as a sorcerer, or worse?

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