Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Where are you going?"

Pranee looked at Shashi with concern as they had loaded their bag with items and their staff hovered over the ground. They rarely spoke to her nowadays and didn't even stay at the tower at nighttime anymore.

They pressed their lips together yet they still wouldn't look in her direction.

"I was able to find work nearby."

"What kind of work?" She fiddled with the strap of the cloth bag that hung over her shoulder. She had grabbed it the moment she saw Shashi preparing to leave the tower and was hoping that she would be able to spend time with them.

They turned their back towards her. "It shouldn't take long. I'll be back before evening."

"Is it alright if I com–"

"No. It's too dangerous."

"More dangerous than the Krasue? I don–"

"No matter what you say, I'm not taking you with me."

The firmness of their tone immediately made Pranee shrink. Not too long ago she felt they had finally warmed up to her but now they were cold. They were probably even colder than the first time the two met.


The morning conversation went through her mind as she wandered down the stairwell. Shashi had said that she was allowed to cook in the kitchen so she figured she would try and find something to eat. The kitchen was no larger than the room above it and there was a fireplace against the wall. Pranee never saw a kitchen like that as the palace had the cooks preparing meals outside so the smell wouldn't be trapped indoors.

That was when she realized she knew nothing about cooking.

She stared at the containers of spices, overwhelmed by how many there are. She rummaged through the drawers and found a sack of dried rice. Rice shouldn't be that hard, right? Pranee figured that she only needed water and a pot at least.

She looked around only to realize that she also didn't know how to light a fire. She hesitated on what to do next until she remembered the wand Shashi had given her. Her mind couldn't help but wonder what Shashi was doing at the moment. Were they thinking about her too? She wondered if they had missed sleeping next to her, even if the time they had together was brief.

She shook her head to rid of the thoughts. Now wasn't the time to think about them.

She took out the wand from a small cloth bag she carried. They had given it to her right before she started lessons with Kiet yet the sleek bamboo still felt unnatural to her. She stared at the wand in her hand unsure if she should actually attempt to light the fire.

That was when she heard footsteps.

She looked to the open door and the steps only proceeded to get louder and louder by the second. Was it Shashi? But they had left just not too long ago so it couldn't be them.

Her hands shook as she gripped the wand tighter. Her heart was pounding and she swore she heard a yelp, one that didn't sound like Shashi's voice at all.

Pranee carefully went to the staircase and looked around. She couldn't see anyone and the footsteps now seemed to be coming from the top floor. Step by step, she walked up the stairs trying not to make even the tiniest sound. She approached the door and peered into the room, bracing herself to see an intruder.

The room was empty.

Nothing seemed out of place and only a cool breeze rolled in from the window. Even the marks left by the explosion were untouched. Pranee's shoulders dropped as the tension left her body. Maybe she was hearing things.

She entered the room and looked around it while sighing. Maybe she missed going out too much.

Something warm covered her mouth and pulled her from behind. She began to scream and looked up to see a man dressed in the attire for the royal guards. The easily recognizable wide bell-shaped helmet and metal armour decorated with the elegant flame designs of the Isla kingdom.

"Sorry princess, but I'll have to take you back to the palace," he said.

"Pranee? I forgot something. I was wondering if– Who are you?"

Shashi had flown into the room and had one foot on the staff

Pranee pried the hand off her mouth with all her strength. "Shashi! Run!"

"Sorry, Pranee."

Her scream was ignored as their staff swerved as they hopped off it which released a strong wind. Both Pranee and the guard slammed into the wall which made the guard lose his grip on her. Pranee could feel a sharp pain in her back the moment her body slammed against the wall before falling to the ground. She could only groan in pain as she watched black dots speckle her vision.

The guard immediately stood back up and reached for his chest area. His movements were swift and he threw something at Shashi which they quickly ducked to avoid the attack.

"No!" Pranee screamed.

"You missed, stupid." Shashi grinned but dread was the only thing that Pranee could feel in the moment.

The staff flew to the man and one end was pointed at his chest. He didn't seem to react and seemed untroubled by the act causing Shashi to narrow their eyes at him.

"Why are you so calm?" They asked.

The guard scoffed. "Do you really think I came alone? Picking up the princess always requires an entourage."


"Shashi... I told you..." Pranee croaked as tears welled up in her eyes.

There was a loud crack from outside the window and blood visibly drained from Shashi's face as they looked out the window. Pranee attempted to stand but it proved futile as the room quickly filled with purple smoke. The smell only made her dizzier and she could feel her eyelids getting heavy.

The last thing she could see was Shashi's staff suddenly shoot out gold light before quickly going dim as Shashi called out for her.

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