Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

There wasn't much time to think of any plans. Especially when a giant dragon was chasing after her.

The crashes of trees hitting the ground echoed behind them as they ran. The gap between Pranee and the phaya naga started to shrink. If they didn't act fast, they would be caught by him. Pranee's mind was desperately scanning the area as she ran. Was there anything she could come up with to safely escape the dragon?

Her mind was so distracted that she barely registered the river in front of her. Chann had grabbed her shoulder and yanked her backwards. The air was taken right out of her lungs as she gave a yelp. She looked around with lips pressed together. They could dive into the water but the serpent would only gain a bigger advantage.

Chann stepped forward towards the water and licked their lips.

"I'm sorry, your highness. I'll be back for you. Trust me."

Before Pranee could process what was said, they dived into the river. A muffled scream escaped her throat and she looked into the river but she couldn't see signs of their body. She turned around to face Niran

His head was held high as looked down on Pranee. A guttural sound came from the phraya naga. If his laugh as a naga wasn't disturbing then the laugh in this form definitely was.

"Aw, poor little princess. Left all alone to die."

"What are you going to do? Eat me?" She countered defensively.


She froze for a moment as she hadn't that far ahead yet. "Then... you'll have to catch me first."

She ran towards him without hesitation. Niran jutted his head back in surprise and then paused. He threw his head towards her and her run slowed for a moment before she continued forward.

"Don't think you can scare me, little girl."

She ran past his head and ran straight for his torso. Adrenaline pumped through her body and she didn't dare look back. She jumped over the serpent's torso and his head surely followed. She circled back to the other side and continued to run under and over his body.

"Are you confused about where you're running?"

"Maybe you're confused."

She eyed the serpent for a second. It wasn't done yet. She just needed him to...

An idea sprung into her head.

She quickly took off her wig and threw it at Niran's eye. The phaya naga had attempted to dodge it but the wind blew it into its face. It roared with anger and lurched forward. That was when it could no longer move forward. His body was now in a giant knot. He couldn't move forward and Pranee sat on the ground in exhaustion.

She felt relief wash over her body. Her chest heaved up and down as she caught her breath. It seemed like the hardest part was over. If only she was able to summon that elephant like the last life-threatening situation.

Then the earth shook.

Her head snapped up to see Niran in the air. He was in the air and then landed on the ground. He repeated the process by using what left of his tail to launch himself into the air. With each hop he took, he got a little closer to Pranee.

"What's wrong? Don't think you can beat me?" Niran mocked as he continued to hop closer and closer towards her.

She was out of ideas at this point. She was tired and didn't have any more energy. Pranee braced herself and expected it to be the end.

The calm water of the river suddenly became violent. Some of the water splashed the hem of Pranee's robe. She watched the river hypnotically become a whirlpool and judging from the stillness of the ground, Niran was also distracted by it.

The water rose higher and higher to form what seemed to be a cocoon. It swirled in the same spot for a few seconds before the water immediately became still. It dropped back into the river with a large splash, exposing what was hidden inside.

It revealed a nagi with a long white tail and flecks of gold scales could be spotted from where Pranee stood. Her skin was golden brown that glistened in the sunlight and she had a gold and white fabric wrapped around her chest and waist to match her tail. Her head was adorned with a makuta and there was a gold chain slung over her left shoulder. There was a little ornament that sat on her shoulder that was attached to the chain. It was shaped like phraya naga's head with rubies for its eyes. Pranee could instantly tell from the way the woman was dressed she was not just any ordinary nagi. The fact that she was also larger than the phraya naga in her hybrid form was also a major indicator.

She reached down to the ground and opened her hand to reveal Chann. They hopped out of her palm and then immediately got onto their hands and knees to pay respect to her. Pranee immediately copied Chann, not willing to take any risks.

"Where is he?" The nagi sounded irritated despite her calming voice.

Chann pointed to the fear-stricken Niran. "Right there, your highness."

Her eyes flickered to the phaya naga. "Good, I've been waiting for this moment."

Her hand wrapped around Niran's neck and her eyes began to glow red. "I hope you had fun while you were free."

Niran violently wriggled in her grasp but couldn't escape. Panicked hisses escaped the phaya naga as he began to lose his fins and horn. Pranee could barely see Niran anymore and the nagi shook her hand as if she was trying to rid of dirt stuck to her hand. A snake fell to the ground.

"That takes care of him." The nagi turned her head towards Pranee. She could feel herself become self-conscious under her stare and her cheeks began to heat up. "Now... who are you?"

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