Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

Anuman led Shashi and Pranee into the emperor's palace. His anxious energy still radiated off of him and only seem to grow the closer they got to their destination.

"I didn't even get to eat mae's food yet," Shashi grumbled underneath their breath.

Pranee rubbed their shoulder sympathetically and worried over the trouble Tanet was in now.

"Are they here?"

A man with heavily embroidered clothing appeared in front of them. He had long wavy hair tied back into a bun and Pranee noticed he had very long eyelashes.

Anuman bowed towards the man but didn't seem too pleased about it.

"Emperor Reza, this is the sister of Tanet and her wizard, Pranee and Shashi," Anuman said stiffly.

"Thank goodness," the emperor took Pranee's hands and shook them. "I'm very glad you're here."

"What happened? Is P'Tanet okay?" Pranee bit her lip and looked over his shoulder only to see an empty hallway.

"I'm not sure," Reza said. "I'll lead—"

The conversation was interrupted by the sound of the doors being thrown open. Pranee turned to see a breathless Kiet. His eyes were alert and he has his staff raised, ready to attack at a moment's notice.

"What's going on?" Kiet lowered his staff. "I got to the house and Shashi's mom said that you guys went here."

"There's no time to explain." Reza ran a hand through his hair, clearly stressed. "Just follow me."

The group followed him into the winding corridors. If Pranee had more time to linger she would've gawked at the decorations but all she could think about was Tanet. The nervous energy that had infected the emperor now took over her body.

"Hey," Shashi whispered.

Pranee felt something rub against her cheek and saw Shashi had rubbed their nose against her face.

Their eyes were steady and calm. "I'm sure he's okay."

She took a shaky breath and nodded.

The emperor threw open the doors to reveal the room. On the bed, Tanet was on the bed covered in sweat. His prosthetics were tossed to the side of the room and the blankets seemed to have fallen off his bed. Tears were streaming down his face and his expression was twisted in agony.

Pranee rushed to the prince's side and her eyes noticed his hands gripping the bottom of his legs. "Why are you holding your legs like that? What's going on?"

"Pain," Tanet managed to say. "Feet."

Pranee looked to Shashi to see if they knew what was going on. They only stared at Tanet with the same confusion.

"Do you feel your feet?" Kiet asked.

Tanet gave a weak nod in response.

Kiet said something in another language to Shashi and they nodded before turning to leave. They gave Pranee a reassuring look, letting her know that they wouldn't be too far away.

"But his feet are gone," Pranee put a hand to his forehead to check for any signs of fever.

"Your highness, please get some pain-relieving medication," Kiet told the emperor.

Reza seemed bewildered at the request and did as Kiet told, bringing Anuman along.

Kiet began taking over the situation by standing on the other side of the bed.

"Okay, I need you to take deep breaths. You're not being attacked. Your sister and friends are here," Kiet said calmly.

Tanet nodded and began to take shaky breaths. Pranee held his hand tightly, unwilling to let go.

"Do you have any funny stories from when you were kids, Pranee?" Kiet asked.

The question took her off guard and she nodded. "Um, I think. Why?"

Kiet didn't give a response and gave her a serious look as if to tell her to do as he said. She nodded and began to wrack her brain for stories.

"Ah, P'Tanet. Remember when you left to study in Aslo?" Pranee asked

Tanet looked towards her with watery eyes. "Mmm."

"I was so upset, I wanted to go with you," she laughed. "I even begged to our parents and they said I couldn't distract you while you studied."

"You were also too young," Tanet let out a hoarse laugh.

"So, then I tried to hide in the carriage you would be leaving in. It didn't work out since everyone worried about where I had left to." She rubbed her thumb against his hand. "It only delayed your trip."

"You were such a pain in my side."

"This pain in your side is currently helping you. I could make you eat durian if I wanted."

He narrows his eyes. "You wouldn't."

"I would."

Kiet laughed at the scene and tapped Tanet's shoulder. "How are you feeling now?"

"Better," he admitted. "I don't know why it happened..."

"Phantom pains. It's normal," Kiet explained. "Your mind still thinks your feet are still there and is trying to protect you."


Kiet glanced at Pranee and back to Tanet before nodding. "I'll see if I can get someone to bring food. I forgot to tell the emperor that food would be needed as well. Medicine shouldn't be taken alone."

Tanet closed his eyes before nodding. "Thanks, Kiet."

Kiet made his way out of the room, leaving the two siblings alone.

Pranee looked to Tanet with a frown. "You haven't been looking well lately. Is there something else on your mind?"

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