Chapter 5

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(Lachlan's pov)

I yell and sob and I pound at the dirt. Rook has his arms around me trying to comfort me as I lay broken in a million pieces on the ground. This is why I didn't want to tell him. The first time I thought Rowan died, I just sat on a couch in Rook's apartment until I passed out. That was the first time I admitted out loud that I was in love with her. I remember Rook's face as he sat next to me, fairly confused why I was so torn up about her death until that moment. He thought I was upset about losing the lenses she had or because I simply failed to save her. The second time I thought Rowan died, I had been in an infirmary for about a week after being temporarily deafened by the explosion. I had a bad feeling when I asked him where Rowan was. Rook wrote on a small whiteboard with a blue marker and sloppy handwriting; "I'm so sorry." I was frantically looking around at everyone else in the room. I think Flame, Lark, Ash and Rowan's dad were all there. They all saw me break down. I think the worst part was that I couldn't even hear myself cry.

Suddenly I start laughing painfully as I wriggle out of Rook's hug. He stares at me like I'm insane. Maybe I am. "I was just thinking how weird it is," I say as I lay on my back looking up through the trees. "What?...." Rook asks uncertainty. "It's weird because here I am, throwing a temper tantrum over the girl I was in love with. The same girl who was in love with someone else. The same girl I only knew for a matter of months," I say, suddenly growing angry with myself. "Lachlan, don't be like that...'' Rook says gently. "No, no. It's true. I never cry. I don't do this. What? It's not like we had a future or anything. Lark was obviously the better choice," I try to go on but Rook interrupts. "Wait, Lark?" he asks, standing up. I join him, dragging myself off the ground. I feel like I'm going to throw up. Or pass out. "Yeah, Lark. She and Rowan were in love, too." I say, much calmer than I feel. Rook looks at me with such sympathy and confusion that I have to turn away.

We walk in silence until we reach the edge of the forest. The sun is setting and it looks like Zander and his men have taken everyone to another location. From here you could never tell that there's a bustling village right over that hill. I stare into the beautiful sunset, letting it warm my face as a light breeze flows gracefully through the forest and out to the meadow. "It really is beautiful," Rook says softly, breaking the silence. I turn and meet his glance as he pulls me in for one final embrace. I shutter with emotion as I hug him in return. I silently sob into his shoulder. When I finally pull away, my face is once more wet with tears, my eyes again red and puffy from crying. I hate looking like this, it's horribly embarrassing, even though Rook's my brother. "Don't sell yourself short, baby brother. Rowan loved you. I honestly don't know anything about her and Lark, but I do know that she would've been a damn lucky girl to have you," Rook says quietly. I can't quite believe him, knowing he will say anything to try to make me feel better right now. He gives me a quick nod before starting off to the village. I sit, my back against the tall, hardy truck of a tree at the edge of the field, watching sadly as the sun sets over the hill until the stars start twinkling above me. 

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