Chapter 8

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One Month Later

(Lachlan's pov)

I lay awake with my eyes closed as the morning sun begins to light up the world with its rays. I hear someone walking up the stairs quietly. I can't be bothered to get up in defense. "I know you're awake," she says. It's Mira. She and Carnelian got their own bubble, and basically forced me to move in with them. I can't say I'm not grateful to have someone there to give me motivation to get up in the morning. "Lachlan, come on. I want to show you something," she says. I let out a painful sigh, but I don't move. She stands there for a moment, then sits down on the edge of my bed. It seems like she took her grief and sort of just shoved it all into helping me feel better. I never once saw her cry as I thought she would've, given she and Rowan were best friends. Carnelian had told me every little detail he could remember about Rowan's life here. They have become some of my closest friends.

Mira shifts around uncomfortably at the foot of the bed, shaking the wooden frame obnoxiously. She's totally doing it on purpose. I can't hold back a tiny smile. Mira laughs. "Oh it's on now," she says, giggling. When I still refuse to move, she gets up and tries to literally drag me out of the bed. What was a once an act of lack of motivation has become a game. She calls for Carnelian. "Hey! That's cheating!" I say, laughing with her. Carnelian is at the door in an instant, and with his help, the two easily flop me on the floor. I spring to my feet and doge a throw from Mira, who has already squared up to fight me. She's outright the most amazing fighter I've ever seen. I try to get a fake punch in - we try not to actually hurt each other - but I realize all too late I've left her with an open target. She easily blocks my hit and gets me in the gut. Hard.

I stumble backward, hitting the glass wall and crouching down. She kneels down to my level, looking me dead in the eye. "Careful, or people may start thinking you fight like a boy," she says. We laugh as I sit on the floor, Mira perched on the bed frame, Carnelian standing next to her. "Did you tell him where we are going yet?" Carnelian asks excitedly. I look up at her and raise my eyebrows, waiting for her answer. "I want it to be a surprise, and this time, I want to tell the story," she responds, smiling.

We've walked at least an hour or two, Mira pointing out random plants and trees, trying to teach me their names and purpose. Suddenly, the tree line thins out and I see the end of a river cascading over a cliff. It's a waterfall. I take a step back, glancing nervously at the couple. Mira grins in return, beckoning me to the edge. "I promise I won't push you... this time," she says jokingly. I reluctantly join them close to the cliff's end. I peer over the edge and see a good 50 meter drop. "Rowan jumped off that cliff, you know," Mira says, bragging. I snap my head in her direction. "She did what?" I say, nearly yelling. "Yeah, we were playing capture-the-flag and she got cornered by Zander. She jumped and won us the game," Carnelian adds. Of course. "Leave it to Rowan to jump off a cliff to win a game," I scoff. She was so brave, in the face of anything she would stand and fight fearlessly. Mira must have caught my frown. She doesn't say anything, just steps towards me and gives a little nod of acknowledgement. She's learned not to jump in and try to help every time I'm reminded of what we lost. Carnelian watches the exchange and takes Mira's hand, gesturing for me to follow them into the forest.

We spend the rest of the day away from Harmonia. At some point we pass Mira's garden. I stop dead in my tracks and stare at foliage that covers the entrance. After that day, I never went back. I wanted to, at first, but the others always stopped me. Now, I know I wouldn't be able to handle seeing her. Carnelian stops next to me. Mira is somewhere ahead of us, probably getting distracted by a rare plant or cute animal. "I'm really sorry, Lachlan. I'm not good at this like Mira, but... you know I'm here for you if you ever need anything" Carnelian says from behind me. "I know... Thank you, Carnelian. Seriously," I say softly turning to face him. He's given up a lot for me recently. I hate having to depend on someone. I don't want to be a bother to anyone.

"I'm going to get my own place, I'll be out in a couple days," I say, smiling sadly. I'll miss them, but I have to be independent. There's still so much I could be doing, and I've just been wasting time for the past month. "What? You don't have to do that, it's really not a problem at all," Carnelian begins. Suddenly, Mira appears and takes his hand. "Why?" she asks with pleading eyes. She looks upset. "I'm sorry for the short notice, I just don't want to be in the way anymore. Besides, I'm sure you two will enjoy having a place for yourselves," I say gently, I didn't know it mattered so much. Mira looks down for a second, then looks back up with a sad smile. "I'm going to miss beating the hell out of you," she says, trying to break the somber atmosphere. "Hey, hey, you have never beat me that bad," I smirk as we continue to walk through the forest. "Oh, but I bet I could," she scoffs, narrowing her eyes at me. I roll my eyes and glare back playfully. "She probably could," Carnelian shrugs. "You better watch your back, Twig," I scoff. I tease him sometimes for his scrawny figure, but it's all out of love. They are like siblings to me. Siblings who constantly mock, tease, and fight each other.

We laugh and talk as we make our way back to the village. Every step becomes heavier as I climb the steps to the treehouse. Most of the day, I'm okay, or at least I can hold my composure. It's the night that I can't bear. I thought by now things would be better, but I still can't sleep for hours, sometimes laying in bed until the sun breaks over the horizon. I can't lay down without thinking of that night so long ago, where I fell asleep with her in my arms. I think about that night a lot. I had given Rowan her crystal necklace, and as I looked up at this gorgeous, brilliant, fierce, brave girl I knew she had me. It took every ounce of discipline in me not to take her beautiful face and my hands and kiss her until we both forgot our names. When she leaned in, I couldn't resist.

I've thought about that moment so many times, every detail is ingrained in my memory. Her lips, her hair, her eyes, her body pressed against mine for a split second when we kissed, her breathing as she slept quietly in my arms. I remember being angry at Flint for ruining that moment. I had thought about waking up in the morning with her by my side. I wasn't even that embarrassed to reveal her sitting on my bed. It's not like anything happened, that was pretty obvious.

I collapse into my bed. I told Mira and Carnelian I was moving, but I don't even know where I'm going. I figured I would help with the construction of housing and such for the many new members of Harmonia. The bubbles are easier to make and more environmentally friendly, but a lot of the Eden citizens wanted privacy, so some were granted permission to build small houses. All of the farms need to be expanded as well to adapt to the sudden jump in population. To my shock - and Harmonia's delight- many of the first children decided to return to live in Eden, and just travel in and out of the natural world. Can't live without their lush and expensive things, I supposed. I look at the night sky. Tomorrow I will visit the second children's campsite. I'll join them. Being surrounded by my family is sure to help me feel better, right?

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