Chapter 6

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(Rowan's pov)

I close my eyes and leave Rook's consciousness. Aaron suggested that I watch Lachlan "in case he does anything stupid," he had said. Stupid as in try to get me out again. Now, though, I wish I had never seen Lachlan like that... and to know it's all my fault. The things he said to Rook... it broke my heart. I was so upset at him for accusing himself for being foolish. Foolish to think he had a chance with me? I still don't understand what I ever did to deserve him and Lark. He thinks I would have chosen Lark. I love Lark, but I also love Lachlan. I have no idea who I would've picked. Why was Lachlan so sure that he had lost?

"Uh, because he did...?" Aaron's voice pierces through the silence like a knife. None of this makes sense to me yet. Aaron's figure materializes next to me. "What do you mean? I never even hinted that I had made a decision," I say sharply. Aaron chuckles. "Well, in actuality, you chose me," Aaron smiles wide, fluttering his lashes like a girl and looking at me flirtingly. I roll my eyes at his mockery. I look at him skeptically. "But in his mind, you chose Lark. You knew you would still have some form of communication with Lark when you made him help you into that... coffin," he says, giddy with curiosity of how I will react. I stare at him blankly as he giggles, never breaking eye contact. He's ridiculously strange and odd. "I chose to give my heart to the EcoPan purely to save people from your carelessness. Still being able to be 'with' Lark was just a bonus. Besides, Lachlan doesn't know that I can still have a connection with the first children," I scoff. Aarron laughs and I give him a disgusted look. "Oh... My dear, I think he knows. I took over everyone with lenses when you and the rest of your gang tried to shut me down. See, if I can do that surely he knows that you have a connection with the lenses," he says, dragging out his last word.

Smiling like a maniac - which, he sort of is - he returns to laughing hysterically. I swallow hard. He's lying, I don't Lachlan, or anyone else knows, but the thought is suddenly pushed aside when I realize something. "Wait, why did the EcoPan try so hard to stop us if all it actually wanted was for me to join it?" I ask. Aaron goes dead silent and looks directly at me, or more accurately, into my mind.

I am the EcoPan, dear.

I feel my heart race, my breathing quicken. That's the voice I heard when the EcoPan was talking to me. I look at Aaron and I can't hold back a look of panic. He starts laughing once more, the sound echoing in my ears like the sound of a raging sea. I squeeze my eyes shut. "Stop doing that!" I scream above the laughter. It gets louder and louder until suddenly it stops. I open my eyes. I'm not in the calming blue abyss of the EcoPan. I'm surrounded by blinding white walls and Aaron is gone.

The EcoPan is my precious creation, I refuse to let you ruin it with your disgusting hope and compassion for humanity. Eden is only one of my many cities. You may have brought them to salvation but I will not let one measly little girl destroy everything I've worked for. You were so close, I had to do something to stop you. Everyone thinks you're dead. Your beautiful heart belonging to the EcoPan. To me. Now, you get to watch your beloved Lachlan and Lark move on, find love, grow old... and die. Same with all your friends and family! What a treat!

I'm frozen in shock. I fell right into his trap. All around me, images of my friends and family show up, just like Aaron said. For once, I don't think there's anything I can do. I'm completely trapped. I desperately grasp for a mind to attach to, but I can't. I am helpless. Completely hopeless. I sit in front of an image of Ash, sleeping peacefully with Angel in his arms. I do the only thing I can. I cry. I've been fighting for so long. I don't want to let Aaron win, but I think he already has.

I have no illusions. I'm tired of this. Of being afraid. My whole life, I have been afraid. Of the Greenshirts, of capture, of freedom, of harsh leaders, of beautiful monsters, of unwelcoming hearts, of making decisions, of love. I'm safe here, I'm not afraid here. Just sad. Really, really sad. I'm so tired. I lay down on the perfectly white 'floor' of the room.

I surrender. 

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