Chapter 14

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(Reminder that Rowan's Dad is a doctor and that he is alive in this continuation)

(Rowan's pov)

A huge, jagged, lopsided X is stitched up on Lachlan's upper body. The lines extend from his chest to his midriff. I have to turn away in fear that I might actually throw up. Jaik adjusts the bandage and recovers Lachlan with the sheet. Mira and Rook both stand at a distance as Jaik continues his story. "We didn't really find anything suspicious, but just when we were about to cross through the desert, a swarm of security bots attacked us... well... not us, just Lachlan. It was nothing like I had ever seen before. It was like they couldn't even see me. I shot a couple of them, but it wasn't enough to stop them," he says, hanging his head. I can tell he blames himself. I can see him breathing hard through the mask, and I wonder how he gets enough air with a thick cloth covering his nose and mouth.

"They held him down as they..." Jaik's hands fly to his head and cover his ears. His breathing is quick and shallow. "As they carved that into his skin," he finishes. I swallow hard, thinking about Lachlan in the clutches of a Security bot. Rook quickly escorts Jaik out of the room as he squeezes his head between his hands. I look at Mira quizzically after they leave. "PTSD, if you ask me," she says, walking over to the foot of Lachlan's bed. "Last night he tried to explain what happened. When he got to the part where he tried to save Lach, he just started rambling about the way he was screaming, saying he could still hear it," Mira says sadly. I look down at Lachlan, desperately trying to force away the image of him screaming in pain as he flails uselessly against the lifeless limbs of a robot.

"What happened after?" I ask, not daring to tear my gaze from Lachlan's peaceful, sleeping face. "According to Jaik, as soon as they were done, they just dropped him on the ground and left. Halfway through the desert, Lachlan collapsed, and Jaik carried him the rest of the way here. Good man," she continues. Just as she's finished, Rook and Jaik come back in, followed by my father and Flame. I stand and back away from the bed as my father checks Lachlan's vitals and injects something into his arm, which I can only assume is some kind of medication. "We're keeping him in a medically induced coma for a week or so to try to speed up the healing process," Dad says. My heart sinks. I was hoping to talk to him as soon as possible.

"Rowan, I'm so sorry this all happened as soon as you got back," my father says, looking me in the eye. As soon as I got back or because I came back? I wonder. Jaik leans casually on the wall next to Rook and Mira, as if he didn't just have a panic attack a few moments ago. "Knowing Lachlan, he'll be happy to have a giant X shaped scar on his chest for the rest of his life," he jokes. Rook laughs, adding "Of course he will. He's a collector, didn't you know?" They share a chuckle. They seem close. How does Jaik know Rook and Lachlan, other than the Underground, obviously. Come to think of it, I never saw anyone who even looked remotely like Jaik during any of my days in the Underground. Maybe I just don't remember him, but I feel like I would recognize someone like him.

Dad stands there for a moment, then gives me a sort of nod before excusing himself from the room. For a moment I think I see worry in Flame's eyes as she stares down at Lachlan. "He's a tough kid. A real fighter, you know," she says. "Almost lost him last night." I've tried not to cry in front of them so far, but I struggle to hold back a sob as I look at her. "What do you mean?" I ask, my throat tightening. Flame sighs, but manages not to show any sort of emotion. "He flatlined pretty much the second we got him in here," she says. I gasp, he actually died? "Pretty easy resuscitation, though. Only hiccup we had all night," she says, chuckling. She gives a half wave to the others as she makes her way out after my dad. Rook says his goodbyes, as he has a few people to "update" about Lachlan's condition. Probably the second children.

"So what do you think all this is about?" Jaik asks me as soon as Rook steps out. "What do you mean, 'all this'"? I ask in return, taking Lachlan's limp hand into mine. Mira seems to cut to the chase for him. "Rowan, we think this may have been a targeted attack. Just the way the whole thing played out, with the symbolism of the X and how Jaik was completely ignored... We think someone may have hacked the old Security Bots," she announces. My breath hitches and I start to feel dizzy. The more they tell me the more it confirms that my suspicions are right. "I bet whoever did this meant to kill him. They'll be pissed when they find out he's alive." Jaik continues. "So is this some kind of message?" he asks? I close my eyes. "How long ago did the strange happenings in Eden start?" I ask in almost a whisper. Mira catches on immediately, and gasps. "What? Um... I don't know, right after the Earthquake, so... actually right after you got back," Jaik answers, beginning to trait off as he realizes what I'm getting at.

"It's more than a message..." I mutter. "It's a warning... to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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