Chapter 11

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(Rowan's pov)

I was so nervous to see everyone that I decided to wait in the treeline while Zander told my parents and Ash. I'm pacing back and forth when I finally see people approaching. It's Mom, Dad, Ash, Angel, a few others... and Lark. My mother runs to me, taking me into her arms. Ash joins her, but Dad stays back. He knows his boundaries. Mom is crying, and Ash looks overjoyed. When I break away from them, I greet the rest of them. "I knew you weren't dead!" Ash says. Lark finally emerges and I sigh. She's so beautiful, her lilac hair seems to glow in the moonlight. I hug her so tightly, I never let go. She pulls back to give me a lingering kiss. Oh how I've longed for her kiss. I pull away, grinning. I'm home!

I decide not to tell people exactly why I'm back. I don't want them knowing that I basically walked into the arms of my captor, when they think I did some great noble deed for humanity. We reach Harmonia where I find everyone waiting to see if the rumors are true. Mira burst out of the crowd, Carnelian close behind as she envelops me in a bear hug. There are tears streaming down her face as we exchange a few words. I wave and smile to everyone I can.

I feel a grab at my pant leg. Young second children surround me with laughter and hugs. Iris follows behind, as she always does. She looks like she's about to cry. I hug her tightly as the children run around us. She looks me in the eye. "I still can't believe it," she whispers. I look back into her beautiful second child eyes. I've tried to stay in the moment, give everyone the attention they deserve, but the same thought has been in the back of my mind all night. Well, same person that is. Where's Lachlan?

Just when I feel as though I've greeted everyone, another friendly face shows up. "I had to see it for myself..." he says. I turn and to my pleasure, it's Rook. I fly into his arms. The only thing I can think of when I see him is the pure heartbreak he witnessed when Lachlan broke down in the forest so long ago. "I'm so sorry," I say, but of course, he has no idea what I'm talking about. "Is it really you? Are you really back?" He asks, his flat first child eye full of hope. I nod and I see a genuine smile on his face. I lean in. "Where's Lachlan?" I ask in a low whisper.

"He just left for Eden earlier today for some mission. He'll be back in a day or two" Rook replies, matching my tone. Rook says his goodbyes and leaves, as almost everyone has done by this point. I turn, smiling at my family. "Are you hungry? You must be starving," Mom asks. "Food sounds heavenly right now, thank you," I respond. We walk to the dining hall and Mom and Angel find me something to eat. I try to answer their questions as best as I can, but there's a lot of things I never experienced since I was basically imprisoned in my brain. I think they realize something is off, but they don't dig.

A while later, Mom leads me back to our old bubble, which is now apparently inhabited by Ash, Angel, Lark and Mom and Dad. I'm honestly so tired that I could probably fall asleep anywhere. My mother gives me a pillow and blanket, and leaves with Ash and Angel for their respective bedrooms. Lark flops down on the couch, smiling and gazing at me. "We could share the couch, if you want," she says, biting her lip. I smile. "Thank you, but I think I'll stay here tonight. I really am exhausted," I say, already beginning to fall asleep. Tomorrow, she can hold me. For now, I want to keep things neutral. "Oh... er, Okay," I hear Lark say, right before slipping into a glorious slumber.

I wake up as the sun touches the tops of the trees in late morning. I smile, I'm just happy. Lark is awake, sitting up on the couch with a book. I sit up and reach my hand out to her. She takes it, smiling. "Good morning," she says. I don't say anything. I pull her into a wistful kiss. She nearly falls off the couch, catching herself by taking my face in her hands. Suddenly, someone comes into the room, and Lark and I immediately break apart. It's Angel. "Oh, I... I hope I wasn't interrupting," she says, flushed pink. I look at Lark and clear my throat. "Of course not," I say. Angel is so different now. She and Pearl are like totally different people. They sort of are. I glance at Lark, who is grinning back at me.

I spend the day listening to stories of everything I've missed and talking about everything happening in Harmonia. I knew that a lot of people decided to stay in Eden, for reasons I couldn't imagine. Here in Harmonia, however, things seem more primitive than I remember. Though there seems to be a lot of debate, I'm all for distancing ourselves from the EcoPan, especially now that I know what it really is.

Lark and Ash introduce me to their new friends. "So this is the infamous Rowan, hmm?" one asks. He must see my confusion. "Hi. I'm Clayton, and it's absolutely fantastic to meet you," he says. They all seem really nice and I think I'll get along with them. When Lark and them get called away for their duties, I find myself alone in the middle of a lively village. I wander through the shops and markets aimlessly. I'm considering whether or not to go on a walk in the forest when Mira pops up behind me. "Hey! How's it been, being back and all?" she asks. "Amazing. Stressful. Sort of unexpected, really," I respond as we make our way out of the crowds. Mira looks confused, but not surprised. "I thought something might be off," she says. "What? No that's... Thats' not what I meant, it's just..." I stutter. Mira shakes her head. "You acted just like... this... when you would pretend not to care about Eden," Mira says quizzically.

I recall not being allowed to even mention Eden in public when I lived in Harmonia. I was so persistent to convince the Elders to help me free the people of Eden. Mira, Carnelian, and Mom were the only ones who I talked about it with. "That's not true," I argue. "I was upset that no one listened to me and that I couldn't even talk about my friends from Eden... I'm overjoyed to be back with everyone." It's not a lie, it's just not the whole truth. I don't know if there's even a point to telling anyone about Aaron Al-Bazz. I'm free, and so are Eden and the second children. I have everything I've ever wanted for everyone.

Why do I feel like something's not right? 

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