Broken World V

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Harry felt sick to his stomach, and it wasn't just from Cedric's crazy driving.

He watched as the institution burned and said his first words to his team since he got on the van, "Everything. Everything is gone."

"Hey, at least we haven't lost our minds," George joked.

Harry looked at the clothes hanging off his body and laughed. Itchy blue pants, a cotton white shirt, and a bracelet with his diagnosed mental disorder. Crazy people garb.

Harry laughed and laughed and laughed. He laughed until he couldn't sit up straight anymore. Doubling over in his seat, he imagined the flames consuming the Hogwarts Mental Institution, one lick at a time.

The others had joined him this time. Whether from true happiness or relief or desperation, they all laughed with him. Hysterical and free.

Harry laughed, choking bellows, until he could taste blood. Until tears ran down his face once more, blurring the tragic scene that lay in ravage destruction behind him.

Maybe I am crazy, Harry thought to himself. Maybe that's okay.

Besides, how was someone supposed to survive a broken world with a sane mind?

With that sad assurance in mind, Harry gazed forward in his seat at the world ahead. A world he didn't think was quite ready for this rag-tag group of crazies. But it was not like they were ready for the world ahead either.

After they had been driving for only a couple of minutes, Harry turned and looked at the back of the van to see George in between Seamus and Dean, all leaning against each other and fast asleep. Draco and Neville were both gazing out the window at the bright signs and tall buildings; it was their first time, in a long time, being out of the Institution and out in the real world and much had changed in society since they were last out and about in the muggle, or rather, normal, world. Cho was leaning forward in her seat and held hands with Cedric who had one hand on the steering wheel and one hand comforting the girl with soft strokes of his thumb on her hand.

Everything seemed quiet and restful. Everything seemed like it was finally going according to plan as Cedric drove them to a discreet motel where they would be out of site from any police who were sent to find them.

Then, out of nowhere, he heard:

"Harry." "Harry." "Harry." "Harry!"

Just his name being repeated over and over. By Ron. By Hermione. By Ginny for some reason. By so many people.

The voices echoed and bounced around in his head causing Harry to wince and use his hands to close his ears to try and prevent the noise.

"Are they—" Cedric contemplated his next words, looking at Harry with concern. "Are they still with you?"

Harry nodded. "Just their voices now."

Cedric scratched the back of his head. "That's better than seeing them and hearing them, right?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Their voices. It... feels different now and I don't know why."

"We'll get through this," Cedric confirmed. "We all will. We'll get you the help you need."

Harry didn't say anything, but shared a small smile with Cedric, confirming the idea that everything was going to be okay.

Harry didn't mention the fact that instead of the voices getting quieter, they were getting louder and louder.

"Harry." "Harry." "Harry." "Harry!"

"That's strange," Cedric said, scrunching his eyes together as he squinted at his rear-view mirror.

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