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The disease, The Emerald Plague, The Jaded Death, whatever your name for it maybe it doesn't change the fact that it almost wiped humanity off the face of the earth. In 2010 the first case was spotted, a little girl in Columbus, Ohio of about 10, it started with her eyes turning an almost emerald or jade green which had been a dark brown before she was infected. Then the fluid started flowing out of her eyes, nose, and mouth. It was identified as her blood. No one knew how it had been turned that color but there it was nevertheless. Scientists were baffled. By then the CDC had stepped in and quarantined the city although it had spread all over the state, then the country.
       Despite the attempts to stop the spread it had spread all over the world by 2014, by 2016 the world's leaders had caught it, by 2017 The Survivors had stepped in to rule. The Survivors were people, who had survived the pain of the disease, but they were no longer people, they were something else, they had powers, god-like powers but the powers were all different. Before they had taken over the crumbled government they had been sent away to heavily quarantined areas all over the world. One however had escaped. The Jaded Dragon, it was said on the day of his escape he wore a cloak of the uniforms of his captors. He caused a revolt. His power was one of fire, however he could choose what burned and what did not, but the week after his escape he burned the city of San Jose to the ground. No one survived. In Europe they had been performing experiments on Survivors. When word of the Jaded Dragon reached them there were riots in many camps. All casualties were human. Rome was hit the worst. An Italian Survivor, who called himself "Polmone D'acciaio" or the Iron Lung, he turned the entire city of Rome to iron, animals and people included. Only other Survivors lived through it.

Immunity to the disease was a rare thing. Only about one in twenty had the chance and even then some of them weren't immune. In the end less than five percent of the world's population had survived it. Some groups of Immune roamed the country with no goal other than to kill Survivors or other Immune. Others traveled in search of a cure. Our story follows one such group just when they encounter a band of Survivors in search of the same thing.

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