Chapter 6

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Dean is the first awake out of the three of them. He tries to sit up put he has restraints on his hands. He turns his head to see Sam and Scott on one side and Nat and Cassandra on the other. As he's trying to get out of the restraints, Sam comes to and then Scott. Nat and Cassandra are the only ones still unconscious.

"What happened?" Sam asks pulling on the straps holding him down. "Where are we?"

"I don't know." Scott says doing the same. "I'm willing to bet that we got into the city though."

"You're right you know." A male voice says coming from the shadows. It's gravely. As if the speaker had been eating concrete for the past few years. "You did get into the city. Just as you wanted but you aren't going to be leaving anytime soon." The speaker comes out from the shadows.

"I am The Jaded Dragon." The man who steps towards them looks almost twenty. His skin is a dark green. His features look as though they were chiseled into his face. "I can see that you know who I am." He glances at the two girls who have yet to wake up. He claps his hands and an almost thunderous sound occurs. The two girls wake up immediately and put their eyes at the source of the sound.

"I will say this once more. I am The Jaded Dragon." He walks closer to them. "I know you two." He says laying his eyes on Sam and Dean. They cringe in his sight. "Yes. Captain Boomerang and his sidekick." He moves his way toward them. His hands start to catch fire the closer he gets. When he is inbetween their two beds he puts his hands, which are now aflame, on their faces. The sound of their screams echos through the room.

"That's better." The Dragon says as he pull his hands off of their faces after their screams stop. "Those two caused me a lot of trouble in the past. Didn't they Liam?"

"Yes, sir." Liam's deep rumble comes from the dark behind them. He's dressed in all grey and wearing a uniform that barely holds him in it.

"You son of a bitch!" Scott screams at him. "How could you be working for him? I thought you were one of the good guys!" Scott tries even harder to get out of the restraints. As he sturggles Rose comes out from behind him. This puts him into a frenzy. "I trusted you two!" He collapses into a sobbing fit.

"There there, Scott." The Dragon gets closer to where Scott is laying. Cassandra is still staring at Liam and Rose in complete and total shock.

"I saw this coming." She mumbles to herself. "Why didn't I do anything about it?" She starts to cry. Nat glares angrily at Liam and Rose. She pulls her arms up as hard as she can against the straps. They dig into her skin but she ignores the pain. She looks as though she wants to kill the pair in front of her.

After the crying of Scott and Cassandra stops. The Dragon continues on with what he wanted to say to them in the first place. "I've run out of Immune in my city. It's a major obstacle in my path but now I've got the pair of you to work on. You see, I've been expirementing on Immune trying to give them abilites. Very few have lived through the procedure of the gaining of abilites but those who have," He whistles. About twelve people come from the next room, all dressed in grey and standing at attention. "Those who survived gained abilites stronger then mine. Once we refined the procedure they all survived."

Nat starts to struggle against the straps. "Of course we had a few setbacks but that didn't put us back far. All that meant was that the Immune aren't as immune as we think." Scott continues to glare at Liam but shifts his attention to The Dragon. "Not as immune? What do you mean?"

"I'm so glad you asked!" The Dragon says with false entuhsiasim. "After years of testing on the emerald death we discovered that, although each person displayed the same symptoms, all the strains were different and we were able to narrow it down to a certain genes that caused the abilites. Once we had determined that we inserted the strains into Immune, several of them died but these twelve survived." He turns to the twelve men standing behind him. "My Disciples. The first ones to survive the inital testing. They were highly disobident at first. But that problem was easily solved."

He turns to them. "But we believe that we have created a new strain with several abilites combined into one strain. And you two lucky ones get to be our test subjects!" The Dragon suddenly becomes estatic compared to his previous calm. "Let's test it NOW!" He screams rushing towards Scott's bed. It takes all of the Disciples plus Liam to hold him back. "Let me go! We need to test this now!!" He struggles against them. One of the Disciples breaks away to get a syringe that was waiting on a table in the corner. He calmly walks up behind The Dragon and stabs him in the back with it. The Dragon immediately regains his composure before he went crazy. "Pardon me." He says and exits the room leaving Rose and Liam in the room with their prisoners.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you and your friend." Liam rumbles.

"Don't apolgize you oaf!" Rose says glaring at Liam the way one would at a pet that had just pooped on the new living room rug. "Now you take The Immune and I'll take the bitch." She says pushing Cassandra's bed out of the room through a door oppisite the one Liam pushes them towards. Scott and Cassandra make eye contact for what they fear could be the last time.

"I really am sorry for what I did though." Liam says again. "I took no pleasure from hurting you or your friend and her children." Liam's eyes show that he means every word that he says. "I know you are." Nat says. "But why are you doing this? You could easily take out the majority of the soldiers here."

"They have my wife held hostage." Liam's eyes start to water. "They'll kill her if I don't do what I'm told." Liam can barely hold the tears back as he continues to push the beds down the hall towards what must be prison cell of some kind.

"Don't trust him Nat." Scott growls, still mad about what had happened earlier. "Anything he says could be a lie."

"No one lies about the people they love, Scott." Nat says her own eyes watering. "I thought after what we went through with Mom that you'd know that..." Scott is silent his look softening with what she said.

"I am truly sorry for whatever I am told to do. Nat. Scott. I want you to know that." Liam breaks the silence. "We understand big man." Scott says kindly. "I want you to know that although I still don't fully trust you I'll trust you on this." Liam nods then they stop in front of a holding cell of some sort.

"This is where Nat is staying." Liam says as he cuts the straps on her arms and picking her up off the bed. "Tomorrow is the begging of testing. It'll be long and hard but you need to stay strong." He opens the door makes sure that she goes in then locks the door. He leaves her bed there then pushes Scott a few mores down and repeats the process. Once both the doors are secure he leaves with both the beds.

Scott lays down and begins to plan his escape while Nat goes to sleep wondering how everything went so sour so fast.

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