Chapter 5

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The Camaro is so much faster than Scott could've dreamed. He was going so much faster than he thought possible. They were getting closer to the city with every second. closer than on foot at least. Even if he just nudged the gas the car shot forward. Every chance he got he pushed it down as far as he could. That wasn't often enough he felt but Sam and Dean disagreed multiple times. The closer to the city they got the more cars were there.

There got to be so many cars all over that they couldn't drive. Scott was saddened by having to leave the car there. Sam and Dean were a little too happy about it.

"It'll be fine man." Scott assured him. "It's not like anyone is exactly going to steal it. I mean look around you. There's NO ONE!" He shouted the last part. startling a flock of birds taking shelter in a nearby building.

They all jumped at that, immediately on the offensive. Seeing what it was they all chuckled nervously.

"Why don't keep moving?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Scott says, holstering the gun. "Lets do that." They keep moving towards what was once called Lincoln tunnel but is now just a series concrete tunnels that are all blocked except for one. As they approach the tunnel they see the piles of cars amassed in front of the left and right tunnels.

"This feels like a trap." Dean says. The other two keep walking as if they didn't hear a word he said. "Guys. Hey guys wait-" He doesn't have a chance to finish his sentence as a dart punctures his neck and he falls down to ground.

"Dean!" Sam says turning around and running to him. A second dart lodges in his neck. Scott looks around frantically for whatever is taking his friends down. Just as he feels a dart lodge in his neck he turns to where the shot was fired. Seeing a man dressed in all grey walking towards them with a rifle on his shoulder. He reaches them as Scott passes out. He takes a radio out of his pocket and talks into it.

"Sir. I've got them."


"I have a bad feeling about my brother." Nat says to Rose. "I feel like something bad has happened to him."

"I'm sure he's fine. If he did as we planned he should be walking through the tunnel by now." Rose says. She's as calm as she has been since the day Nat met her. "They should be back in a few days. A week at most. If it takes them too long Liam and I will go after them taking The Duke with us as a bargaining chip. It's all part of the plan."

Nat doesn't feel as calm as her. Even though her brother had told her the plan she still didn't feel comfortable with what he was doing. Knowing him he would do something reckless. She was going to go as soon as she could to find him. She knew how his head worked. She knew how she felt when he got in trouble. It was the same feeling she had now.

"What's today?" She asked Rose.

"Tuesday." Rose said simply.

"If my brother's not back by Friday I'm going after him." She said. "And I'm bringing Cassandra with me just in case he's hurt too bad."

"I'm going to tell you what I told your brother. If anyone from my group dies out there. I'm going to kill the one who took the out there." Rose says. "I'd hope your brother comes back soon and with Sam and Dean otherwise," She walks closer to Nat. "I'm killing him and you if you go after him."

Nat cringes but stands her ground. "I know what you told him. That doesn't change the fact that he's my brother and if he's in trouble I'm going after him." Nat turns away from her and leaves the room. As the door shuts she feels a sense of relief flood through her.

"Nat!" Jennifer exclaims. She's carrying Victor and Victoria. She has a worried look on her face.

"Jennifer! What's wrong?" Nat is concerned as soon as she see's her friends face.

"The Duke got past Liam somehow and is looking for your brother! We have to hide so he won't find us!" Jennifer keeps moving past Nat and peeks into room after room.

"I know a place." She leads Jennifer down the hall to the master bedroom only to come face to face with Liam. He's unharmed. Jennifer stares at him in shock.

"Liam!" Nat says exasperated. "Did The Duke get past you?"

"No. I let him out." He says. Nat gapes at him as he hits her in the head. He holds out his hand and a stilettos appears in his big hand. Jennifer starts to scream. Liam buries the heel of the shoe in her skull then proceeds to knock out Victor and Victoria in a fell swoop.

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