Chapter 7

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Scott is laying down when Liam comes to get him the next day. Liam is accompanied by The Dragon.

"Scott!" The Dragon says. "It's so good to see you again! I apologize for yesterday's er... incident. When I was experimented on in the camps my mentality slowly deteriorated and I am now prone to outbursts. Liam could you please put Scott on the bed?" Liam nods and goes into the cell and picks Scott up and straps him to the bed.

"You mean they made you crazy." Scott says glaring at The Dragon. "Yes that they did." The Dragon seems legitimately saddened by that. "But my intellect was left to me and with that I escaped. But you don't want to hear my story." He gestures at Liam and he begins pushing the bed down the hall towards where they had been when he had first woke up.

"Now Scott, what we're going to do is give a extreme dose of our own personal strain of the plague. It will be painful. We will put you under but that will only keep the pain at bay until you wake up." He tells Scott as they go through the room to another room that is unfamiliar to Scott. "If it works you won't feel a thing afterwards but if it doesn't you will feel pain and most likely die a slow death." The bed stops rolling at that and suddenly the bed is surrounded men and women in surgical gowns. He suddenly feels a sharp pain in his neck and loses consciousness.


Scott sits up in a field. It's full of flowers that are make it look like a painting. "This can't be real..." He says as he spots someone farther away. "HEY!" He shouts out at who appears to be the only other person there. It seems like they don't hear him. He jogs over to the person he can now tell is a she. "Excuse me?" He says as he reaches her. "Ma'am?" He reaches out to touch her shoulder as she sits in the grass. "Ma'am?"

"There is no need for ma'am here, Scott. Sit and enjoy the picnic I have set out for us." He sits even as a picnic comes into being. He sits cross-legged across from the woman. "Mom?" He asks in wonder. "Yes, Scott. It's me. I don't know why you're here. You are far too young to cross into the land of the dead."

"Wait. I'm dead?" Scott asks. "Yes that's why you're here. However we must speak fast as I think that you will be returning back to the Land of the Living soon." As she says that a thunder storm appears on the horizon. "Ah so not as much time as I had hoped." She sighs deeply. Even as she sighs the storm swallows up the sky over them in an instant. "Listen to me Scott. A Dragon always has a chink in it's armor. Remember that."

"What does that mean? A Dragon always has a chink in it's armor?" A tornado begins to form around Scott. "You will have to discover that for your self, Scott. Now go and repeat that to your sister!" His mom says with even more urgency than ever before. Scott begins to ascend in the tornado until a bolt of lightning strikes his chest. He loses consciousness as it hits him.


"Clear!" Scott hears a voice shout as electricity rushes through his body. He sits up immediately, gasping for breath. "Scott, you need to lay back down for us." He hears a male voice say and he does what it says. "Good good." He now recognizes it as The Dragon's voice and sits back up again only to be held back by manacles on his wrists. Pain shoots through his veins as he tries even harder to break them. He suddenly passes out again as he hears. "Release the other one. We've created the Perfect Survivor."


Liam knocks on Nat's cell door. He is with The Dragon. "Congratulations, Miss.Caldwell. You are allowed to go free. The test worked on your brother so you are no longer needed." He steps aside to let her leave her cell. It's been hard to tell how long she was in that room. Days at least. "I want to see my brother then." She says standing in the doorway, crossing her arms.

"I thought you would say that. Scott!" He steps into view in the doorway. "Scott!" Nat runs up and hugs him. He returns her embrace gingerly, as if not wanting to crush her. "A Dragon always has a chink in it's armor." He whispers to her. "Remember that." He pulls out of the embrace. She looks at him more closely. His eyes have become completely enveloped in the emerald green that's in The Dragon's and Liam's eyes. "What did you do to my brother?" She says, slowly approaching The Dragon with gritted teeth.

"I made him better. He's now the perfect Survivor." The Dragon says. "He can now do as he pleases and no one can stop him." Scott hears this. He has been told this many times since his final awakening, having not been able to sleep since then. "With the abilites I've given him, he has the might of an army.

She stares in awe at her brother, just noticing that he has grown at least a foot since she saw him last. He also appears to have gained some muscle since she saw him last as well. "I'm not going to leave without him." She says, giving her brother a glance of sympathy.

"I thought you might say that as well. That's why I'm having you forcibly removed from my city. You and his girlfriend. I no longer have use for either of you." The Dragon says as his Disciples come out and put themselves around her. "Good bye, Natasha Caldwell. May we never meet again." The Dragon says departing with Liam and Scott in tow. She is escorted until they reach what was Central Park. The Duke is waiting there for her with Cassandra, holding her by the arm.

"Hello again Nat. Good to see you." He says with a false enthusiasm. "Cut the shit Thomas." Rose says next to him. "Get in the truck." She says pointing to the beat up pickup behind them. Nat and Cassandra are forced in to the bed of the truck and the two Survivors climb into the cab. They accelerate before the two girls even have a chance to sit down.

They speed towards Lincoln Tunnel. When they make it through the central tunnel the two girls are forced out of the bed of the truck and on to the cracked pavement. Two packs are tossed to them as the stumble on the ground. "Get going you two. Don't even think about coming back here. Ever. You'll be dead before you can even make it to the tunnel." Rose says.

The two girls start to walk away but apparently they were walking too slow because a bullet slammed behind their feet that caused them to go running until they reached the first buildings and began to look for a place to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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