Chapter 4

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Scott headed into the room where Sam and Dean were spending their free time.

"We already know what you want and we're in." Sam says.

"Well he's in, I'm just tagging along because he's useless without me." Dean says clearly unhappy that he has to go.

"I appericiate it, guys. I could also use some advice about Liam." Scott says. "Should I ask him to come with us?"

"If you want. We don't know him really well, we just know how good of a fighter he is." Dean says. "If you really want to know if you should you should ask Cassandra." Scott turns red at the thought of talking to her. The two boys notice. "Wait do you like Cassandra?" Sam asks.

"What's it to you if I do?" Scott is suddenly on the offensive.

"He totally does." Dean says as Scott turns even redder. "Yep. Totally does."

"Well I'd appreciate it if you could stay silent on the matter." Scott says turning around.

"Yeah sure whatever dude." Sam says ushering Scott out of the room. On his way out he bumps into Cassandra.

"Don't even ask me to come with you." She says flatly. "I like my head on my shoulders thank you."

"I wasn't going to ask you anything." Scott says.

"Well what else would those two imbeciles be laughing about in there?" Cassandra moves to the door. "Maybe I should ask them."

"Well they're coming so I doubt you'd want to." Scott says inching himself closer between her and the door.

"True." She says backing up and going on her way.

"Cassandra?" Scott says as she starts to walk away.

"Could you go patch up The Duke? I told him I'd send him some meds but I would like him to have a scar so don't use your ability, okay?"

"Yeah I can do that. Besides I wouldn't even dream of kissing that bastard. I'd proabably get some disease." She says.

They share an awkward laugh. "I should proabably get on that." She says as she goes down the hall. Scott looks after her for a few moments then goes on his way.


Liam is standing in front of the door where The Duke is being held. Scott approaches him but Liam also has an answer waiting for him just as Sam and Dean did.

"Rose already breifed me. I'm afraid I can not come. I have to stay and watch The Duke first of all." Scott starts to say something but Liam stops him. "Second of all, I would like to stay and watch over and protect all the others staying behind. We can't leave them defenseless."

"I guess I can see your reasoning behind staying. If you're going to stay could you keep an eye on my sister for me?" Scott asks. "I'm going to be bringing the gun with me but if you could keep an eye on her for me that'd be great."

"Of course." Liam says. "You did tell Cassandra to get medical supplies for The Duke right?"

"Yeah, about 15 minutes ago. Why?" Scott asks confused.

"It just feels like it shouldn't take that long to get medical supplies. I'd go check on her." Liam advises. Scott just nods. Thinking about why Liam would've wanted him to go away. First Cassandra was rushing off somewhere. That never happened. Besides where could she have been rushing too. Now Liam is trying to brush him away from The Duke and where he's imprisoned. Something didn't feel right about this. He brushed it off. He had bigger problems at the moment. Such as getting into the city.

He decided to go see what was taking Cassandra so long.


He walked into what was being used as the supply closet while they stayed there. Cassandra was gathering supplies still.

"Liam wants to know what's taking you so long." Scott says as he approches her. She jumps in surprise.

"I need to know what does what. I don't know what would be best to take to treat a gunshot wound. I'm going to say it's infected so I'm bringing antibiotics, I just don't know if the bullet's still in his shoulder and if we should take it out or not, I don't even know how to take it out if I do have to take it out. You've put me in a difficult situation here, Scott." Cassandra says without even looking back at him.

"Well whatever you do leave a scar. We need to be able to leave a reminder of sorts, I also think Liam would appreciate it if you could hurry up." Scott turns to leave.

"Scott..." Cassandra says. "What if The Duke is leading you into a trap? I mean what will you're sister and her friend and her kids do if you die?"

"I've already talked to Rose about that. She said she would take care of them." Scott says turning around to see Cassandra looking at him with sad eyes. He notices that her eyes are a deep shade of blue.

She shakes her head. "Even if she could what makes you think she would?" Cassandra asks. "How do you know that she will keep to her word. We originally had six in our little band of misfits. Another man. Rose's husband. He had the ability to bend himself into any shape. He hurt himself running away from some of The Dragon's henchmen. They didn't catch him but he was weak by the time he got to us. She told him to lay down and that everything would be okay. I could've healed him but Rose got to him first. She covered him in grass and stayed there with him untill he died. She will do the same to your sister and her friend and her children if she ever gets the chance."

Scott stands there in shock. He doesn't believe that a woman so small and frail despite being intimidating would kill anyone, let alone her husband.

"Are you serious?" He asks. She simply nods.

"Just thought you'd like a little warning. I also have something for you." She walks up to him and plants a kiss on his lips. "Just in case you don't make your way back. I also think you should keep that between us."

"Of course." He's grinning from ear to ear and blushing red all over. She turns around to see him standing there.

She smiles a genuine smile. It lights a spark inside Scott that sends a feeling like he's never felt through him. "Go on." She says, still smiling. "Go tell Liam I'm still working on getting things together."

"Yes ma'am." He says practically skipping out the door.


"So how are we getting to the city?" Sam asks following Scott. Dean is behind them. Scott is still in the clouds from earlier. "Scott. Dude!" Sam snaps his fingers in Scott's face.

"Yeah, what's up?" Scott says paying attention now.

"How are we getting into the city?" Sam asks again pulling his pack higher up on his shoulders. A rattle comes from inside.

"We're driving. How else would we get there? And what is in that bag you insited on bringing?" Scott says perplexed by it.

"Oh, I guess I can tell you since Rose and Liam aren't here. They're what used to be called energy drinks." He says opening the bag so Scott can look into it.

"Red Bull?" He asks pulling out a smaller can. "How did they name this?"

"I have no idea but they give you some serious energy. It's because of this thing called caffeine it's got in it. It seriously messes with your head." Dean says. "First one I had. No sleep for like a week."

"Seriously?" Scott asks in amazement. He looks at the tiny can in his hands. No way this tiny thing could do that. He starts to open it but Sam stops him.

"You don't need this just yet. Let's wait till you really need it." Sam says putting it back in his bag. Scotts eyes follow it all the way into the bag. "So what're we driving today?"

"I don't know." Scott says scanning the cars. Then something catches his attention. "That is our car for the day."

"No! Not that one!" Dean mocks. They all start laughing as they walk towards a bright red Camaro.

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