A Match Longed To Be Seen; Orion vs Rosemary

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A Month Later

General Narration

All the Autobots, with the exception of Ultra Magnus, Smokescreen, Bandit, Cliffjumper, War Path, Night Bird, Ratchet, Lithium, Wing-Blade, Bluestreak, Orion, and Rosmary, were all out on recon and fetching energon. Ultra Magnus was in his quarters, while Smokescreen and Bandit were sparring in the training room. Cliffjumper was helping Ratchet and Night Bird with medical supplies. War Path was making a rapid recovery as he pulled himself up on a lever in his quarters. Bluestreak, Orion, Rosemary, and Lithium were talking amongst themselves and having a laugh about things. Wing-Blade was going to go check up on War Path.

War Path P.O.V

I could feel the burn of my routine. I had stay fit.

War Path: "109, 110, 111,112. If I can't do 150 pull ups, then it will be 150 push ups. 160, 170, 180."

Wing-Blade: "Easy there War Path. Don't strain yourself."

War Path stopped doing his exercises and looked at Wing-Blade.

War Path: "I've got to stay in shape."

Wing-Blade: "That, I get, but come one take it easy. Keep doing that so much and you're gonna break something."

War Path rolled his optics at Wing-Blade.

War Path: "You worry too much you know that?"

Wing-Blade nodded as in saying, "Duh." War Path smiled as he placed a servo on his shoulder heading towards the training room.

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