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Rachel's POV

3 months later

It's been 3 months being pregnant and I'm starting to show, at work I've gotten a promotion plus I was given the option of choosing whether I'd like to work from home or come to work physically and obviously I chose physical work.

Marcó has been extremely protective even though I have told him repeatedly that nothing's going to happen he keeps telling me that I can never be too sure and after our big argument I just stopped and let him be overprotective.

I've been having weird cravings but no morning sickness and I think that's a good thing. I have a next appointment today so I'll ask the doctor.

Everything has been good so far, I have Marcó here being overprotective and food to eat everytime I crave it.

Right now I'm struggling to buckle my slippers.

"Marcó, could you come here for a minute baby?" I call out

"I'm coming" he says so I sigh as I start to feel hungry again and I just ate

"Why are you making me eat so much baby?" I ask my belly then giggle

"Yes sweetheart" I look up to see Marcó leaning against the door so I smile beckoning him over to me

"Could you please buckle my slippers" he chuckles then goes down on one knee and buckles both slippers before standing up and pulling me up along with him

"You look amazing but you look sad, what's wrong?" he asks as he caress my cheek making me smile

"I'm hungry again" he chuckles making me blush

"Come on, let's get you something to eat. Is there anything that you're craving right now?" I shrug

"Maybe some fast food" he grabs his wallet and my bag before leading me outside the house to the car where he opens the door for me and I sit then he closes the door and gets in putting my bag on the backseat while giving me his wallet.

"How does pizza sound?" I smile at him

"Sounds really good" he nods then reverses and heads off to pizza hut and when we get there we get out then go inside joining the line.

"Oh and breadsticks too babe" he pulls me closer to him and kisses my forehead making me smile

"Anything for you babygirl" I blush

We get to the cashier and she blushes as she looks at Marcó.

"We'll have an extra large cheese pizza, large pepperoni, garlic breadsticks and a pepsi" she cashes it and I hand her the cash seeing as I still have Marcó's wallet

He collects the receipt and we sit down waiting on our order.

"How are you?" I ask him because he hasn't been talking to me

"I'm not too good" he says sighing so I grab his hand and he looks at me

"What's happening?" he shakes his head then looks at me again

"When we get home we'll talk" I frown but nod and as I go to lean my head on his shoulder our number gets called so he goes to collect it then comes for me and we leave getting back into the car.

"Here you go babe" I thank him for my food then he drives off to the doctor's office with me happily munching on my food and smiling.

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