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Rachel's POV

I wake up only to see Marcó beside me sleeping so I smile then kiss his lips missing the feeling of them on mine. I get out of bed slowly and head into the bathroom where I remove my clothes and get inside the shower.

I wash my hair thoroughly and wash my body after doing that I rinse my hair and rinse off my body too before getting out and drying myself.

I go inside our closet and pull on a maternity blouse then I pull on baby blue socks after that I get out only to see Marco still sleeping so I shake my head while giggling.

The babies start kicking so I sigh knowing I'll soon want to sleep again. I don't even know when I fell asleep last night because they were kicking nonstop. I guess the pain knocked me out.

I walk over to Marcó and shake him only for him to call my name making me blush.

"Marcó baby!" I slightly shout but he's still sleeping so I just leave him and head downstairs into the kitchen where I start making breakfast.

I make eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns and coffee. I put everything on a tray and make my way upstairs, as I get into our room I see Marcó feeling for me in the bed then his eyes shoot open making me giggle causing him to look in my direction.

"Good morning sleepy head" I giggle out making him smile sleepy

"Good morning babygirl, I thought something happened" I smile while walking (more like waddling) over to him and he meets me halfway taking the tray from me.

"I woke up and I tried waking you but you wouldn't wake up so I showered without you then I got dressed and tried waking you again but you only called my name" he blushes while I smile

"I made breakfast for you" I say as I get comfy in bed and start watching a movie

"Did you eat?" I ignore him and continue watching my movie only to see the screen go black so I look at him

"Why did you do that?" he frowns looking at me making me raise an eyebrow

"Why didn't you eat?" he asks and I sigh

"I'm not hungry and the babies aren't craving anything" I say and he looks at me with uncertainty then he nods and turns on the TV letting me continue watching my movie.

I thought he'd curse but he didn't, he only came back in bed with me and ate some of the food then he turns to me

"Open your mouth" I open my mouth and he puts eggs and bacon in it so I glare at him and he rolls his eyes at me

"You need to eat" I sigh and chew the food only to see another fork full of food in front of my mouth so I swallow what's in my mouth opening my mouth again and letting him feed me until he stops which makes me now hungry but I'm also tired so I pout at him.

"So how were things while I was gone?" he asks while I continue pouting but because he's searching for something in his draw he doesn't realizes what I'm doing

"Baby, why aren't you an-" he stops talking once he sees my face so he kisses my lips making me smile and deepen the kiss, he pulls me closer making me moan into the kiss as he kneads my breasts while roaming my body with his hands.

"I missed you so much babygirl" he says after pulling away from me making me blush

"I missed you so much more, I was so scared and lonely. I just hope that you don't leave again." I say as a tear falls from my eye and he quickly wipes it away

"I won't lil mamá" I blush at the new nickname

"So you pouting? Is that the new I'm now hungry face?" I giggle

"Yes it is babe" he smiles pecking my forehead

"What exactly is it that you want to eat?" I shrug not knowing what I want

"Well then while you think about it, I'm going to please you since I haven't in a while" he says making my mouth fall open at that

He did please me and feed me afterwards then pleased me again and again. All I could think about was how lucky I am to have Marcó.

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