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Marcó's POV

Sixth months later

Beating after beating is all I receive all day until he comes into the room.

Right now I'm being cleaned up by a female who likes me but all I do is keep still and let her do her job afterall it's not like I can move.

"Have a girlfriend?" she asks but as usual I don't answer nor do I intend to

"Can I be your girlfriend?" I shake my head, everyday she comes in asks that and I give her the same answer everyday

"I'm finish" she announces and I sigh grateful that she'll leave me alone now

She leaves the room and I sigh again missing my families. I have to get out of here, my wife, kids, má, bros and sis need me and I need to get to them to let them know that I am okay and not dead.

The door opens cutting me from my thoughts so I look up only to be met with the sight of someone in full black gear and a mask so I hold back down my head already knowing I'm going to be beaten.

"Boss, it's Joe" I look up at the person again and raise an eyebrow

"Joe? Joel?" the person nods and I smile

"Where are we?" he sits beside me

"In Russia" really? That's so far from home but at least I know where I am now and I'm going to destroy this gang or whatever it is for breaking my families.

"¡Mierda! ¿Puedes sacarme de aquí, Joe?" I can't see his face so I don't know what his facial expression is

"Sí, puedo, pero tenemos que esperar hasta que cambien el horario o nos atraparán." I sigh wanting to be right away

"¿Cuándo cambiarán el horario?" I ask and he sighs

"En unos dias" I groan, that's going to be a while

"Bien, ahora vete porque no quiero que te atrapen o te maten." he quickly leaves and my eyes close voluntarily so I welcome it with open arms

Two months later

"Boss, they changed the schedule, we'll get you out tonight" I nod at Joe

"Thanks Joe" he nods at me and then hides in the shadows as someone opens the door so I look to see who it is only to see Gómez which makes me hiss my teeth then hold down my head again.

"Ready to die?" I laugh at him and he stares at me like I'm crazy

"If you're going to kill me just kill me and don't ask stupid questions" he pulls out a gun and puts it to my head only for him to be the one laying dead with a bullet through his head. I'm set free by Joe who holds me up and slowly slips us out of the room and outside the building.

"We're heading home now boss" he puts me in the backseat of the car then gets in the driver's seat and speeds off

I lay down on the backseat and let sleep overtake me with this on my mind.

I'm coming Rachel, don't fall into depression babygirl am on my way to you. You are my wife, my happiness, my joy and the reason I smile everyday.

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