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Rachel's POV

I'm finally going back to work and trying to move on even though I'm sad, I stay to myself whenever I'm at work and I quickly work throughout the day then I head home. My boss told me that since I'm now eight months pregnant, I'm only to come in once per week.

The funeral is set for next month so I bought a black dress for myself and Elle then I purchased a black suit for my lil Marcó.

Marcó's family finally came and left. It's been eight full months that he died and I still have nightmares of that day and wake up crying, even now when I'm heading home it doesn't feel right, it feels as if he's still here with me.

Elle and Marcó Jr. miss their dad so much and they cry every time they call Dada and he doesn't come to them. They don't sleep in their room anymore so I moved their dressers and everything into our room and set it up so that they're comfortable and they are. Every night they wait up to see if Dada will come once to them and when they don't see him they cry.

I have to put on their favorite show to calm them down and then I lay them down and rock them to sleep. They wake up in the middle of the night wanting Dada, more Elle than Marcó, she calls Dada everyday and every night and when I tell her that he's not here she cries and doesn't let me touch her until she calms down she runs to me and hugs me.

I'm currently unlocking the front door, when I open it and lock it again, I hear two pairs of feet running to my direction.

"Mommy!" they say simultaneously and I giggle then get on my knees to hug my babies

"I missed you both so much, what did you do today?" they hug me tightly and I sigh loving how affectionate they are towards me

"They slept all morning after you left" says my mom who is leaving today

"Bye Nana" they say simultaneously making me ruffle Marcó's head as he runs to his nana and hug her legs so my mom picks him up and hugs him while Elle holds onto me tightly while climbing up onto me so I lift her and stand then hug my mom.

"Have a safe flight mom and call me when you get home" she kisses my cheek then kisses Elle's and Marcó's cheeks and they blush then wave at her

"Stay safe and don't overwork your body, remember you're pregnant" my mom leaves and I lock the front door, I then put down Elle with Marcó and they look up at me so I hold their hands and go upstairs into our room where they climb into the bed so I turn on the television and it's in Netflix so I put on Miraculous and they clap smiling.

"I'm going to shower, stay on the bed and do not move" they both give me a thumbs up so I lock the door and quickly go into the bathroom. I remove my clothes throwing it into the hamper then I get into the shower and let the warm water beat against me making me sigh. I wash my body and hair thoroughly then I rinse my hair and body thoroughly.

I wrap a towel around my body and one around my head before going out only to see the twins fast asleep so I turn on their nightlight and turn off the television then dim the lights.

Quickly drying my body, I pull on one of Marcó's hoodie which fits comfortably then remove the towel from my hair and just leave it let it air dry. I leave them in the room and go downstairs into the kitchen where I start cooking dinner. I grab a cookie and eat it before taking another and another then I pour a glass of milk and drink it.

Belching, I giggle. The food finishes so I head upstairs to check on my babies who are still asleep so I lock the door behind me and join them in bed as I too want to sleep. My eyes close voluntarily and I give into it.

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