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Rachel's POV

2:05am the following morning

I wake up to use the bathroom and when I do I make my way back to the bed only to feel water running down my legs so I waddle over to Marcó's side and shake him the hardest I can.

"Marcó baby, wake up, my water just broke" I say as my eyes start to full up of water and he's still not waking up

"Marcó" I keep repeating while shaking him

"Marcó, I'm hurting baby please wake up, it hurts" I cry into his ear and his eyes slowly open and he looks at me then he sits upright looking me over to make sure I'm not hurt

"What hurts babygirl? What happened?" he says so seriously I flinched but then he calmed down and apologized

"The baby is coming, my water broke" I cry and he jumps off the bed

"Don't move, I'm coming for you" he says to me then kisses me

He grabs the hospital bag and our phones then he puts on a sweater. He slings the bag over his shoulder and puts the phones in his pocket then he comes to me and carefully lifts me and I cuddle into him feeling cozy until a contraction hits me and I cry clinging onto Marcó as he whispers sweet little nothings into my ear.

"Breathe baby breathe. In and Out" I do as he says until we get in the car and get to the hospital. He runs inside with the bag on his shoulder and me in his arms while shouting for a doctor and soon I'm going into the labor room.

"You can go home and shower then come back because I know you didn't get to shower or brush your teeth" I say to him so he sits up and looks at me

"I'm not going anywhere, what if I leave and something happens? I have to be here to make sure that all my babies are safe" I blush and cry then I cry out as another contraction hits me making him rush to me and hold my hand

"It hurts Marcó" I cry out and he kisses my forehead before pressing the button beside my bed and soon a nurse walks in

"She's hurting and tired, what else can I do otherwise than just hold her hand and steadying her breathing?" the nurse smiles at Marcó then looks at me still smiling

"Well you can lay beside her or behind her, you can also calm down or shower in the bathroom or just sit beside her as for her being tired, she can sleep but wake her when you hear knocking" she says to Marcó who gladly gets behind me and I lean into him sighing then the nurse leaves

"I like being behind you, it always makes me remember how much you scream my name and then tell me to go harder" I hear in my ears making me shiver and I get wet so I moan while grabbing one of his hands and putting it in my bed dress on my breast.

He plays with my nipple and I moan while closing my eyes then he stops so I sigh before closing my eyes again to get some rest.

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