Chapter 6

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Hwang Yeji

It's been days since Mom told me that ridiculous news about my ex lover

And its been 2 days since we've graduated with the girls, I stirred my milk tea and while thinking about my time with Yeonjun

I'm in my last year High-school where I studied in School and Arts Academy and I'm on my way to college

That's when I met HIM he was still a 3rd year college student l that time as I was walking home from school

That's when I met him in the convenience store nearby, as I was buying myself some personal stuff

"Miss it's 50,000 won in total" The cashier told me as I nod and went to get my wallet

That's when I realize that I really lost my wallet... I froze when I don't have any money in me

That's when he came in, he paid for it instead easily giving her his credit card

"Here you go miss" the cashier said as she handed me my stuffs and me and the Mysterious man walk out

"Umm... Let me lay you back!" I exclaimed at him, he seems taken back in my actions as he then snickered at me

"Its no big deal, and besides I can't let have a very cute girl that has no money with her be embarrassed infront of someone else" he teased me as I started to get red for some reason

He has black hair and a cool brown eyes, and pinkish lips making him look so hot...

He eyed my appearance and smirk afterwards "So, your still a High-schooler?" He ask me as I nod

"I'm in my final year" I stated as he only nods, and I took a peak in his appearance he looks like a decent man

Dressed in a gray hoodie and wore white joggers

Our walk was silent until I arrive in a distance from my home, I look at him and smiled

"I'll just go on now, thanks for your help mister...." I trailed off and turn red out of embarrassment when I realize u haven't ask his name yet

"Choi Yeonjun" He said as I smiled and bowed at him

"Thank you Choi Yeonjun-ssi" I said before I ran off to my home thats when I thought when he held my wrist

I look at him in confusement, I could see that he is flustered about his actions

"Umm... You haven't told me your name yet" He said as I smiled lightly "Hwang Yeji" I said and offered my hands to him as he gladly took it

"nice to meet you Yeji-ssi" He stated as he continue to go in his own way as I waved him goodbye

And since then, we frequently met he always wear his outdoor clothes and I haven't seen him in his school uniform

He always avoid the fact about it, but then one day he then confessed to me...

Saying that he likes me and me in the other hand had drawn closer to him and slowly develop some feelings towards him

We then dated secretly, only me and him knows... Since I don't have any real friends because they only saw me as their financial supporter because of my background

He is always with me whenever I'm down, we dated but I don't know him that much...

Not until I was in my freshman year, we already dated for a 10 months now...

That's when all of my questions were answered he's a playboy in school, a hot senior

He was completely the opposite in what he just showed me... My whole world was shattered along with my heart when I saw him with some girl clinging up to him

It's only a week since I came to school and I didn't expect it

He ignored me like I'm not his girlfriend in school, scolding me because I'm just a freshman while he is a senior... Always yelling at me like we're total strangers.... I looked like a fool infront of him

But netherless I still accept him, I know it's his own way of hiding it infront of everybody, I held the pain... That's when I met the others, they knew about our relationship and comforted me...

But not until 6 months later, I saw him with my two eyes, making out with some senior of mine.... It hurts it fucking hurts...

I don't know myself anymore, it just... I can't handle the pain shit.... You know what hurts? To see him enjoying it..

I tried to forget it but its already carved in my mind...

That's when, it's time to go home like always I saw him in the playground near my house... I decided to avoid him by walking faster and pretend I didn't saw him

"Yeji wait!" He called out and grab my wrist, I tried not to cry but it failed his words hurted me at school and furthermore, he has a lot of girls clinging unto him and he isn't bothered by it even the slightest bit

I try to push his hand away and walk like nothing happen

"Yeji, please hear me out please.... I know your mad about it, but please hear me out" he Beg and kneeled infront of me

"Oppa, it hurts...." I said and place my hand in my chest as tears started to fall from my eyes

He tried to hug me but I pushed him away "I can't take this anymore... I just can't ignore it anymore.... I hate you Choi Yeonjun.... Even you hid your identity from me, even you act like you don't know me like I didn't exist in the world.... I can't take it anymore" I said and tried to push him away

He only lowered his head not saying anything

"You don't love me, I only look like your younger sister...." I continued what my mind was weighing in the past 6 months

"Yeji, I know its wrong but.. I only love you, I really do... Please forgive me" he beg me again as he tried to hug me one last time

"Lets break up" I finally said it... Lia always told me to break it off since I'm the only who's suffering

I look in his expression and he isn't faze about it at all.... As expected, I'm just a toy to begin with

"Yeji, please let me explain..." I hushed him and walk away leaving him

But that gives him the opportunity to hug me from behind

"Oppa, I'm tired of everything.... If you love me, please let me go" I lastly said as I push him away and walk home leaving him

And since then, we haven't had any contact... Since he already graduated

That's when I'm in my sophomore year... Where all of our scandals of the school was revealed to the public

But somehow after 6 months later, the rumours were already been down

Making me breath in relief not knowing what's in store for it...

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