Chapter 45

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Lee Chaeryoung

"Honey, are you sure your not gonna eat?"

I asked Misoo who's laying in her bed, completely shock and hurt of what they had did to her,

I know this kind of feeling, that's why I hid that I'm a super rich heiress when I was in college and pretended to be a broke kid

So that I can avoid fake people, I told Misoo to hid that fact about her being a rich kid, but she didn't listen, and here she is now... Super broken

"I've already eaten some boiled egg" she responded still hiding her face, avoiding my gaze

"If you say so....and by the way Choi Jibeom is here to see you" I told her, remembering the young man who's in the living room to visit Misoo

Or should I say, to persuade Misoo to sleep and eat well,

Because she listens to him more than she listens to me, that's why I called him to come and visit

"Jibeom Oppa? Wae?"

"Because I told him how you've not been taking care of yourself, now get out from your bed and don't make that young gentleman wait" I told her as she let out a loud groan before she stood up and wants to go out but I blocked her way

"What is it now?"she asked me, irritated that I just blocked her way

"Are you planning meeting Jibeom looking like an old lady?" I asked her as she looked at her appearance up and down, only wearing her night gown and messy hair

She doesn't look like a young lady because of her appearance,

"Why's that a problem? It's just Jibeom Oppa?"she asked as I sigh loudly and shook my head in disappointment

So oblivious...tsk..tsk... I pity the young man

"Go and change,make yourself presentable when we have guests ok?" I told her and push her back inside so she can change while I walked back to the living room to see Choi Jibeom waiting patiently for Misoo

"Jibeom-ah, thanks for coming... Misoo has been eating so little this days ever since she got betrayed by her friend and her boyfriend" I explained to him, though he already knew what happened "it's fine... I'm also worried about her" he responded as I smiled lightly

How can Misoo not realize that this young man is inlove with her? Oh my gosh...

"Jibeom-ah, you don't have any plans on confessing?" I ask him as he let out a small smile "I wanted to, but it's too soon...she had just experience extreme heartbreak, I don't want to add up in her stress" he responded as I nodded

"It's your choice... But you've been friend's for so long... I wonder why your still not together yet"I told him as I stood up from my seat

"Life is short... You should hurry up before she finds an another man, who's much less than a jerk" I stated and walked towards my bedroom, letting the young man think of his problems

I wish for my children's happiness....

Kang Gunmin



I called out to my girlfriend who's buying coffee for the higher ups, she turned around to face me with a smile in her face

"Gunmin Oppa" she called out as I rush up to her and we then shared a hug

"Is work tough?"I asked her as she then let out a small sigh, and I know that work had been tough for her... "Just.... It's fine" she responded even if she say it like that her face say otherwise

"Why won't you just quit and become my wife and stay home?"I ask her, remembering how she outright reject my proposals in the past

"I just don't want to depend on you, I don't want people talking badly of you because you married a poor orphan like me, we'll get married in the right time"she told me as I took a huge deep breath and stared at her

Looking at me cutely....

How can I say no??

"Fine...but you know how low my patience are right?"I threatened her as she chuckled hearing my words

"Yes....I know, that's how you've been holding for 3 years right?" She teased me as I smiled lightly

"I'm gonna go back to the company, see you later!" She waved at me goodbye as she walked in the other side, but my eyes widen when I saw a huge truck driving so fast

"Haeyoung!!" I yelled and went to save her, but before I can.... She got hit in the truck

My eyes widen when I saw her flying and rolling in the road, I quickly rush up to her.... Body filled with bruises, fresh bruises

Her eyes close.....


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