Chapter 34

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Choi Beomgyu

"I thought that Ryujin's daughter is with us now"

I sigh as I heard the naggings of my mom "Well, Ryujin didn't Brought her... And I don't know why" I said and crossed my arms its only been a minute after our speech and mom is pestering me

"Aish... Meeting Her daughter is not easy, but call me whenever your alone with her daughter ok?" She told me as I nod at her request making her satisfied

"Good, now you can have fun with your friends but not to much, you'll be a married man soon" She said as I nod again before she left me to talk with her friends

I went to Ryu's direction who's scolding Doctor Lia for being late and being so messy when she arrive

"Hey Ryu, the CEO of Zhen Yi Company is here to meet you" I stated and I could hear her curse silently as her attention went back to her unnie

"Unnie... I'll continue what we are talking about later" She said as she left Doctor Lia alone.

"Hey Lia-ssi" I called out


"I know your secret" Hearing that she froze for a minute and look at me with a smile "What secret? I don't know what your talking about" She's not easy to tell..

I leaned forward to her ear "Soobin Hyung is the father of your son right? Choi Lisoo?"

Hearing those words she froze and looked at me with horror filled in her eyes

"I don't know what your talking about" I smirk... As I saw her shaking in her spot

"I won't tell him... And besides we grew up together I know what he looks like when he is still a toddler and your son is a spitting image of him" I said whispering in the your son part since noone has know it yet


"Gyu! Your scaring her!"

She was cut off as we saw Soobin hyung "Ani~ we were talking about y-"

"Yogurt! We're talking about yogurt right Beomgyu-ssi!" she stated and smiled weirdly

"OK.. Gyu you better not scaring her, and go bother your Fiancé not her" He said as he pulled me away from Choi Lia

Wanna know why I know?.... Well... Its true that Lisoo is a spitting image of Hyung like literally... Hyung is just Hyung that's why he doesn't realize it

And another reason? I was with him that night of the auction, I somewhat recognize the voice of the mysterious Miss Julia

And don't get me wrong, I didn't bought some girl for a night.... I just went with him because its the time where I've heard about me and Ryujin got engaged and if me bought some random girl, the Shin's will break the engagement and I'll be exiled from the family

Because the Shin's and our family are friends for generations and I think they decided to cut off the friendship thing and decided to merge by marrying me and Ryujin

I think its better for me and Jinjin though but she died.... I think I didn't even introduce Jinjin properly to all of you...

Shin Jinjin is a young lady of the family of the Shin's they're somewhat look alike with Ryujin that's why it hurts whenever I see my Fiancé

It said that she's Ryujin's cousin but never mention who's daughter she is...

Why did I think that what if they're one? Because.... They have a body...

It hurts for me... To see myself engage to someone with the same face of my first love but since this is my duty as heir of the family...

And come to think of it... I have never properly met Ryujin not until Jinjin died... It said that she studied in the States and returned home bec-

"Oww... Watch where your going"

I snap out of my thoughts when I saw I bump into someone I look to see a young girl maybe attending the party

"Mianhe for bumpin- Jiyeon?" I flinch when I saw the girl infront of me.. Jinjin's bestfriend

"Beomgyu Oppa?I didn't know you're already engage to Ji-"

"Unnie!? Your here?"

Shin Ryujin

"Congratulations Miss Shin... Or Should say Mrs. Choi?"

I giggled at the words of Zhen Kai the President of Zhen Yi company and Jiyeon unnie's husband

Shin Jiyeon older than me by a year she knew about my relationship with Beomgyu and about Jisoo she knew everything and the only thing she knew is that noone knows I'm Shin Jinjin

"Is Unnie with you?" I ask him as I eyed unnie"I think she's coming in here right now she just went quickly to the bathroom" He said as I nodded

That's when my head tilted in a certain side and widen my eyes to see Jiyeon Unnie and Beomgyu bump into each other

I quickly went to their direction as if its coincidence

Unnie should not mention about Jinjin, Gyu will find out about it... He may be a trickster but he's actually quick to catch on things..

I've alread lied to much to him when I was still young, I think he taught me how to lie

But thats not the piint
"Beomgyu Oppa? I didn't know you're already engage to Ji-"

"Unnie!? Your here?!" I felt relieved when I arrive in time "Ryujin! Chukahae! You didn't even told me that your engage to Oppa" She told me as I only smiled and dragged her somewhere

"Where are you taking me Shin Ryujin!" she kept on yelling as I drag her to the bathroom, making sure there's noone inside except for her and me

"Shin Ryujin, why did you did that?! Gyu Oppa is at our front a while ago and you suddenly pulled me away I haven't seen him since forever! And why didn't you too me he's your Fiancé?" I sigh after hearing so much questions

"Unnie please calm down... I'll tell you everything, not now but tomorrow... But now... We need to survive this night and remember don't mention Jinjin OK?" I told her

"But why? Wouldn't be Oppa be delighted?why are you hiding?" She ask me

"Unnie... I'll promise I'll tell you everything but please pretend OK?"

I looked at her with begging eyes... I'd rather die than let Gyu know that Jisoo is her daughter

She sigh after seeing my expression

"Fine!I'll play along"

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