Chaerhyun's Love Story:Chap.5

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Lee Chaeryoung

Uggh....hungover sucks...

I thought as I slowly opened my eyes in the slightly lighten place in the cave, my eyes is half-way open as I look around to find where Tae is

I only smiled lightly and shifted my place to the other side and see someone's bare back,

It seems that We sleep together

I thought and close my eyes back to sleep, and I realise something.....

Wait....bare back?sleep together?

I quickly opened my eyes, to be fully awake as I slowly sat down to see myself in a naked state

Shxt....did we sleep together?

I thought as I quickly wore my clothes, fast but quietly

How did this happen?

Did I let guard down when I'm drunk?

I sat in a nearby rock and try to remember the incident last night

"I hate you Tae Oppa!"

"I hate him because he didn't defend himself that night"

"True, but if he loves me, shouldn't he defend himself? Try to voiced out his point of view?"

"Of course! But why am I telling you this?"

"And don't...."

"I love you, Tae Oppa"

My eyes widen as those scenes flashed into my mind, I silently curse as I looked at him with his naked upper body

That hugged my last night..... His tone-

Wait for moment.....

I facepalm myself as I furrowed my hair for thinking such nonsense

It's not the time to think about that!

I need to think fast before He wakes up and everything will be over....

I didn't get drunk so that I'll be sleeping with him! I drank because a lot of things have been stressing me out

I need to get away from him ...

But where should I go?

The forest is so big....

And we only have each other

But I have to do it.... I can't stay in the same place as him, I just can't....

My heart may be beat for him but at the same time it will be aching so badly and I hate that feeling

As I pack my stuffs for survival, I planned to be away from him

Just when I was about to leave...


I froze in my tracks as I heard his voice, I slightly turn to look at him in a half-awake state

"Where are you going?"he ask me in a gentle tone, I nervously gulped and looked at him sadly

"I'm sorry Oppa" I told him as I ran away deep into the forest, hoping that he won't ever find me

Hoping that we will never ever meet....

Kang Taehyun

"I'm sorry Oppa"

As she said those words, my half-awake self immediately have fully awoken, as my eyes looked at her as she ran outside

Widening my eyes, I quickly wore my clothes as I went to follow her

I know that she will be flustered seeing us in that state but isn't this too much?

Doesn't she plan to set things right?

Why is she being like this?

But now for sure.... we'll be able to set things right....

She's right..... If I truly love her, I'll be voicing my perspective rather than letting her do on her on...

Last night....even if she denied that happen, but seeing her actions clearly shouted she remembered everything

I'm sure she felt it....

I'm sure she knows.....

How I love her, so so much ....

That I am even willing to ran out for her.....

In this scary forest, just for her I can do anything

We will be getting out of this forest  while she's mine again....

And of course while I scold everyone else for dragging us into this mess of theirs

Because I know that Kai played a huge part of this plan because his company is one of the donors of this cruise like adventure

That made the boat leave us in this deserted island to made up....

But I won't waste their plan for us to be together back again

"Lee Chaeryoung!!!!" I yelled out as I saw her in a distance, she was standing by a cliff

And she looked at me sadly

Don't tell me she's planning?

"Oppa, I Hate You"

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