Best present

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Solangelo stuff (heroes of Olympus)



I get out of my cabin and I saw Nico discussing something with Annabeth. N after sometimes she left. N I went to talk to him.

"hey Ghost king! What's going on?" I asked while he was checking a booklet.

"actually ....i am going to renovate the Hades cabins sooo....i thought to take help of annabeth.Do you want anything?" He replied without any gestures on his face.

"umm.....i want....i want your help." I told him though I also don't know what help.

"hmmm tell me how can I help you whistle boy?"he asked n smiled keeping that stupid book away. But the question is WHAT HELP.

"Now what happened to you."he said irritatingly n waved his hand.

" come with me..." I grab his hand. They are so cold n pale. But I loved the way we are holding each other hands.

"were are we going.....???" He cried.

"Just wait." I said n we lead into a cave. My secret n favourite place.

"where are we....???" He frowned "what the heck you are upto."

"shadow maaaannn......i said na just wait don't you trust me." I yelled

N for a while I saw tears. Awwwww I wanna slap myself.

"I'm sorry." I apologize and make a puppy face.

N lit the fire lamp. In my sweet cave there are different instruments where kept on left and some medicines on my right n in between fire place. N a study table with my favourite books and a bed mattress standing vertically near a cupboard having something important.

"it''s beautiful.."he said making an innocent face,"N don't be sorry....i only drove you crazy."

" thnxxx ....n..n don't be sorry it happens."

"but where are we..??"

"At my place....its my secret cave."

"if it's a secret of yours then why you took me here......????" He asked.N pecked.

"because I trust you." I replied n a big smile spread across my lips.

"I guess you needed some ones help......."he said.

"look......I'm going to participate in a singing competition n today I'm going to vodskov. It held once in five years ......n I'm dreaming about it when I was just can you please tell me how it is."I asked.I dunno from where these words escaped from my mouth but I mean them, it's true.

"oooohk....."he nodded.

N I grab my guitar n the song goes like: Dadda llala di-du-da LA

N we talk n talk. nico is upset coz i'm not be here for Christmas but at the same he is happy because he is my best friend maybe more than that. n after that we came back to the camp. But i got a shocking news my flight has been canceled. Oh my gods now what. why hermes is doing this to me. its my only dream. someone plz help. daaaaaaad where are you plz help me. i burst into tears.

Nico hugged me n comferted me,"everything is gonna be all can try next time."

" year its impossible." I cried.and hugged him back.

After than i convinced myself to leave it and maybe aphrodite and dad want me to celebrate christmas in camp with my nico.

slowly n gradually time passed n ew year arrived. we all were exited for our gifts. I was standing with my siblings and suddenly nico come to me n said,"wanna see your gift. "yup!!!" i exclaimed.

"so come with n yeah dare not open your mouth." he said. n tied something around my eyes and i feel that i'm drowning. after an hour so we landed somewhere on snow probably. N when i opened my eyes ............i found that we are not at camp. I looked around see nico on my left. but where are we. "don't give me that look ...........we are in vodskov.' i look at him i know we've come here by shadow travel and thats why he is looking more pale and weak.

"why? it could harm you.' i asked him.

"well its quit simple ............I love you" he asked,"by the way hows the present ?"

"its awesome ....................n.....n i love you too my Mr angelo." i exclaimed.

"for this?" he questioned.

"for everything." i replied and kissed him. he kissed me back.........n after that he took out a handkerchief dropped it a tent appeared he took out some luggage and my guitar n turned it back.I think its that handker chief gifted by hunters my dear rivals. n after it we took a taxi to the place where that competition is gonna be held. N believe me those singers are awsome ..............really its a tough competition and after sometimes it was me who is going to perform. and took my guitar looked at nico and begin.

I figured it out,

I figured it out from black and white

Seconds and hours,

Maybe they had to take some time


I know how it goes,

I know how it goes from wrong and right

Silence and sound

Did they ever hold each other tight

Like us?

Did they ever fight

Like us?

You and I

We don't wanna be like them

We can make it 'til the end

Nothing can come between

You and I

Not even the gods above

Can separate the two of us

No, nothing can come between

You and I

Oh, you and I

and now its time for the result.

1 runner up: Amada

2 runner up: Hea



wooooooooooooooooow i won.............i just hugged nico then the anchor n i just can't explain how i'm feeling. I LOVE NICO. n now i speech time. " first i want to thank gods for this specially apollo." i started n everyone laughed its seems to be fuuny to mortals but i'm serious. "my best friend nico." I continued

..............finally. N we celebrate the christmas n next day we visit all the place in n nico are sharing room.

we lay back ............i hold his.

" no more underword-ly things" I pleaded.

" rock star.......n i've booked tickets for new york." he told me.

"I love" i confessed.

"i love you willy." he replied. " hey don't call me that.

n next day we went back. seriously i lv his he has given me the best present i ever get.


guyz how was this. if there are any mistakes do tell me


N.............................NICO is son of HADES

................................WILL is son of APOLLO

......................................ANNABETH is daughter of ATHENE

love you half-bloods

n i'll try to update soon

-AUC, junor scribe, camp hal blood
PS:for more solangelo stuff check out my heroes of Olympus OS link is in comment box

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