Hanging Out

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(Y/N) waved as his dad left for another business trip. "This is hopeless." He muttered as he sat on the bench and rubbed his hands together, winter was starting to set in. He sighed as he stared down at his feet. "You seem down." (Y/N) turned his head slightly and saw Sora, he only nodded.

Sora looked embarrassed or shy to approach him, sure she confessed but this is the first time he's talking to him without A-chan, her heart was beating extremely fast. A long silence followed. Both didn't talked.

A-Chan, who was watching from a far was whisper yelling.

"What are you doing so early Sora-chan?" (Y/N) questioned, Sora took a deep breath and shook her head. "Me and A-chan were planning to do some jogging, she's been complaining she's getting a bit fat." (Y/N) snickered and sat up straight, Sora's heart skipped a bit. 'I-I made him laugh! T-technically still a laugh!' "So, she decided to drag you along?" Sora nodded fast. "She's a bit childish when it comes to exercise, she always complains and find reasons to stop!" (Y/N) let out a chuckle as he crossed his legs. "Childish indeed. But still, don't push her. She might have an actual reason why she doesn't exercise." Sora nodded.

Sora mustered up the courage and sat beside him. "S-so. H-have you thought. Uh, about it?" (Y/N) turned his head slightly to her direction before sighing. "Look Sora, I'm really new to this relationship thing. I know I agreed to be your boyfriend but to tell the truth? I'm scared." Sora looked saddened by this and slowly wrapped her arms around him. "I'm new to this too alright? We'll learn along the way." Sora comforted him, (Y/N) only sighed and nodded and rubbed Sora's hand. "I suppose we will."

"Say Sora, you free this afternoon?" Sora's heart skipped and she started blushing. "Y-yes, no plans!" The boy nodded, "Well, if you don't mind. Let's go out, I know a cafe where we can talk and relax. You can bring your friend if you want." Sora shook her head. "She's gonna be busy, she's currently looking for a place to work." (Y/N) nodded, Sora unwrapped her arms around him.

"Uhm, yeah." Sora pushed her hair back and held her hands. "A-chan and I are gonna go now, she still needs that exercise." (Y/N) nodded. "I'll see you later Sora-chan, be careful out there." Sora smiled and nodded and ran over to A-chan.

Sora couldn't contain her happiness and jumped towards A-chan. A-chan eyes widened as she prepared for impact. The two hit the ground, giggling to themselves. "Seems you got yourself a date Sora-chan. We're going out and buying you a beautiful dress!"

"N-no dress! I only want to go out in casual clothing! I don't want attention you know.." Sora pouted while A-chan rubbed her head. "Alright alright, let's explore our options later! Now, let's walk!"

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